It was beautiful.
The red and pink.
Orange and yellow.
Blue and black and purple.
It was all mixed together, like a big, beautiful painting.
It was magnificent.
At least, to Castiel.
Dean was fucking bored.
He and cas had been sitting thee watching the sunset for like 3 hours! ugh when will that stupid sun go away so he can sleep?!
Castiel, on the other hand, never wanted it to be over. it was the prettiest thing he'd ever seen. prettier and nicer than heaven.
Dean hated this. it was times like this that he wished he was still saving people, hunting things! The family business!
But alas, both men were now old and frail.
However, unlike most older men, Dean still had his energy. he was ready to go. always jumping around, waiting for adventure.
Castiel had enough of adventure to last a lifetime. although, unlike dean he wasn't born into this crazy, hectic lifestyle.
And just like that, the sunset had ended. the day has come to a close. one less day left with his insane, adrenaline junked up husband. and Castiel was grateful. the sunset made him realize that not everything lasts forever. not good things, but not bad things either.
Nothing. noting lasts.
Dean however, had learned that sunsets were boring. he would rather go fight things, of course with his wonderful husband by his side. Another boring day done. Finally. except, that meant one LESS day with Castiel. Oh. he didn't realize this. One less day with each other. one less day. it may not seem like much now but later on, I'm the big picture, every. day. counts. Soon he'd come to the conclusion that, with everyday that passed by, every chance to say those 3 simple words went with it.So as these two men snuggled into bed, they said it.
"I love you."

Destiel Oneshots!
Fanfictionone shots full of love and fluff ~****~ please enjoy <3 (Cover art not mine)