𝕿𝖊𝖓 ~ 𝑯𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉

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Heya guys, sorry nothing hot happened when Tae did the thing. He was a curious lil boi, but don't worry, things will happen. It's just for the storyline💜


I couldn't believe he did this. Nobody has ever done anything this thoughtful for me. Sentimental memories were the things that touched my heart. Tears ran down my cheeks, and I was completely oblivious. I stared at the two beautiful stallions that stood before me, being held by a post that was deeply buried in the sand.


"Hey! Mom! Wait up!" I squeezed the horse's sides faster, getting the horse into a full on run. Both my parents galloped ahead of me, teasing me.

I felt the wind in my face. The long mane I intertwined with my fingers with. The sound of the speedy beat of the horse's hooves hitting the untouched sand. The salty smell of the pure ocean. Even the seaweed could be tasted in the air. Everything was perfect.

My ten year old self smiled evilly, speeding past my parents.

"C'mon Marley, faster!" I coaxed, gripping the leather reins in my clammy hands tighter.

When we came to the checkpoint we built, I slowed the horse down, from gallop, into canter, trot into walk, into halt.

"Good one, Tae!" My mom laughed, slowing down on the left of me while my dad was on the right.

"Yes sir, you're getting more impressive with your riding skills. Before you know it, we'll be able to jump the highest jumps together with Marley and Blaze." My dad chuckled, wiping sweat from his forehead.

~End flashback~


"Taehyung? I'm sorry, I didn't know this would hurt you. I should have asked before I did this, I-" Jeongguk rambled. I cut him off by grasping his neck, and planting a soft kiss on his cheek, near the corner of his mouth.

"I love it. So much."

Author POV

Jeongguk was speechless. Taehyung loved it. He did this because Taehyung always talked about riding horses with his parents, and he would love to ride a horse again, and what better way to do it on a beach, with they sky painted the beautiful colors of a sunset?

The raven bent down a little, and wrapped his arms around the blonde's waist, and stood back up.

Taehyung giggled, tightening his grip around the back of Jeongguk's neck while his feet dangled a foot off the ground. Jeongguk started walking forward, and put Taehyung down by the paint horse. He rolled the stirrups down and tried to climb on, but couldn't. Curse being short.

"I need help. I can't-- I'm too short." Taehyung pouted, trying to reach the stirrup with his short leg.

Jeongguk just chuckled, pausing rolling the stirrups down and took the few steps over to the shorter. He gripped his hips with his large hands, and heaved Taehyung up. Taehyung quickly swung his leg over, sighing.

"Thank you, Gguk." He giggled, fitting his feet into the stirrups that were already perfectly fit.

"No problem, shortcake."


Taehyung reached down and took the reins off the post, as well as the helmet.

Jeongguk easily pulled himself up onto the horse, his muscles flexing.

"Shit." Taehyung cursed out loud, accidentally.

"What? Too hot you can't look away?"

"In your dreams!"

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"What if this is my dream?"

"If this is your dream than I'm Justin Bieber."


Taehyung and Jeongguk walked along the beach on the two horses that had lots of similar traits to the two. The paint with blue eyes with white hair represented Taehyung's blue eyes and light colored blonde hair. The fawn colored horse with brown eyes and black hair represented Jeongguk's dark eyes with black hair and the light stripe down it's nose his milky white skin.

"Race ya'!" Taehyung suddenly kicked the horse's side and jumped up into a two point like position, and the horse's head picked up, suddenly bolting down the empty beach.

"Shit." Jeongguk cursed, trying to get the horse into a run. The horse obeyed, but Jeongguk was wobbly and trying to imitate Taehyung as he saw him zoom past him.

Taehyung giggled, feeling the salty wind whip his hair, and feeling the horse pant, it's long mane blowing back in the wind along with Taehyung's blonde hair.

Taehyung leaned back, pulling the reins to halt the horse. They quickly skidded to a stop, having Jeongguk race past them. He clumsily fiddled with the reins, before stopping a block in front of them.

"This idiot... Huh, boy?" Taehyung looked fondly to the horse before reaching forward, patting the horse's shoulder. The paint creature snorted and nickered as if he were agreeing with the blonde.

"How about one more time?" Taehyung pulled an evil baby smile onto his face before both the two sped off, Jeongguk once again catching up behind them.


"Phew! What a workout!" Taehyung slid off his horse before unbuckling his helmet and wiping the sweat beads from the side of his face. "Wow." Taehyung sighed as he looked up, keeping a hand on the horse's shoulder and rubbing the soft yet wired short fur, having the reins wrapped around his wrist.

The two tied their horses to another post that was lined further along the beach. They took a break from riding to enjoy the stars setting in.

Jeongguk led Taehyung to a rock and helped him climb onto it. They then lied down side by side, the smaller lying his head onto Jeongguk's rock hard chest.

The raven ran his hand through Taehyung's honey colored hair, smiling down fondly at him before looking up to the little glowing stars that were starting to twinkle in the sky.


"Yes, Gguk?"

Jeongguk slid his hand down Taehyung's lower back, his fingers finding their way into the back of his pants. Taehyung's breath hitched, and he pushed Jeongguk's hand away, backing away and sitting up.

"What? Shy, baby?"

Taehyung nodded his head. He lied. He didn't want Jeongguk to know that he was wearing panties that were almost thongs.

"It's okay, I already know." Jeongguk leaned closer, wrapping his hands around the smaller's waist and dragging him closer. The blonde's eyes widened, and he dropped his head, too shy to pick it up.

"Hey, come here." Jeongguk pulled his hips more so that he was sitting in his lap, facing him. "I think you look perfect in those." Jeongguk smirked, his finger sneaking under the waistband of his pants.

"Don't let what anyone else says get to you. Jimin even sometimes wears panties, he's a crossdresser and gay with pride. So... Please don't be afraid to do what you like." Jeongguk kindly whispered into Taehyung's blushing ears.

"It's n-not th-that... I w-was afraid you-you'd think I-I was weird f-for...wearing them." Taehyung pulled his head further away from the raven, before the raven pulled his head back, putting a finger under his chin and gently forcing his head to look up and into his eyes.

"Hey, look at me. You're beautiful just the way you are. No matter what you look like, I still love you. I love you, Kim Taehyung. And... I was wanting to ask you... Will you be my boyfriend..?" Jeongguk blushed a little, but staying brave and smiling. No smirk, no grin. A pure smile.

Taehyung blushed madly. Jeongguk had done this for him because he knew that Taehyung loved horses and always wanted to ride on the beach again. He truly does love him if he did this for him.

"Yes!" Taehyung burst out into a giggle and pushed Jeongguk's shoulders down onto the rock, now straddling his lower stomach like a playful little tiger.

Jeongguk then gripped the tiger's waist, and flipped them over. He quickly put his hand behind the blonde's head so it wouldn't hit against the rock, and hovered over him.

The raven stared intensely into Taehyung's eyes, who stared right back while holding onto the upper part of Jeongguk's camouflage green jacket with silver zippers and lots of pockets. Jeongguk gently took the hand that was holding his jacket and kissed the knuckles, before taking out a thin ring with a single small white pearl on it, and used his one hand to slide it onto Taehyung's ring finger, which fit perfectly, unsurprisingly.

Taehyung smiled and blushed, before pulling Jeongguk's jacket back with his ring hand and pressing their lips together. No tongue, just a slow first kiss. They moved their lips in sync. Their lips fit together perfectly. Like it was the missing puzzle piece to each of the lives of the two boys. The sun was just sinking below the horizon, and the sky painted with beautiful red, pink, purple, and dark blue.

The only sound that was heard was the sound of two boy's giggles and beautiful happiness, the slow sound of the sea shore and restless water, and the faint sound of city noises.


Jesus Christ that took so long to even come up with

Unedited bichs

𝓕𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓽𝓫𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷 𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓮 (𝑲𝒐𝒐𝒌𝑽)Where stories live. Discover now