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Koustav expected a quick reply from Ria, She was still looking at the opposite way..... she got up from her seat, came towards the sofa,bent to pick his empty cup and walked towards the sink....his eyes were looking for her response....this was his way of saying sorry......He was going to say something, the buzzing of her phone stopped him, Ria answered the call , left him alone in the hall.....

Nabila had called her to give the news of Tuhin proposing her for marriage, Ria was happy for them..she ended the call after talking with her for some time. She could not believe her ears.....her brain was confused with Koustav's changing mood.....one moment he was yelling...one moment he was regretting....even Koustav made her more confused with his sudden eagerness to be friends with her.....

When she returned to the kitchen, Mita asked for help in cooking, and told her that they wanted Koustav and her to go for Niloy's birthday....She then gave her the good news about Nabila and Tuhin...

That day Titli was in a better mood, she came down, packed the lunch boxes as Ria asked her to....she ate early along Ria and started to get ready for school....

Ria intentionally distanced herself.....she left for university while Koustav was having food....she was waiting for an auto, every auto was full....she noticed Koustav was getting on a cab, Koustav's cab stopped beside her, he offered her to drop her towards the bus stop....the neighbours were gawking at them, not uttering any words she opened the passenger door and sat beside the cab driver....Ria was watching outside the window,

Koustav: Why do you take this route?

Ria: cause I know only this route..

Koustav: You lived in Kolkata from your birth, you don't know any other route...!!

Ria: My parents went everywhere to drop and pick me up.....you might have forgotten, I had not been in Kolkata last 3 years.....your father told me this route, so I follow it.

Koustav: Follow my route from now...it will be  much easier and less confusing for you..

A bus stop arrived.....Ria was climbing out of the cab, Koustav's voice made her turn back,

Koustav:  Be safe! Get ready before 10 am tomorrow, We have to go for Niloy's birthday.

Ria: have a nice day......and buy a gift for him if you get time...

Koustav nodded and the cab left.....her bus arrived, she even got a seat....she reached early, so she went to Romy's place....Romy was happy getting the news of Nabila....

When they were starting for university, Ria saw Ujaan talking to someone over phone, seeing her, he flashed a smile and nodded....

University was as usual...tiring.....both of them decided to grab some coffee...they entered a local cafe....ordered and sat on a corner table.....Romy was discussing about study notes...and upcoming exams....Ria was lost in hearing her, she mentally calculated how much she had to study.....among the chaos of marriage, she had almost forgotten about her upcoming exams.....Suddenly they heard someone saying "Mind if I join?", staring upwards, she found Ujaan with standing there....they both smiled in response.....more conversations went on among those three over rounds of coffees...Ria was thankful, Ujaan was not one of those nosy persons,who started to dig about everyone's personal lives....it was getting late so, Ujaan offered to go with her as he had to be somewhere near her place......

She reached her stoppage along Ujaan, he made her smile with his funny jokes....she walked towards her house , thanked him for his kindness, he smiled and left for his work....Walking a few steps,she found Koustav was smoking standing there.....he ended it with deep pulls, ushered her towards home.....

She entered home....the study pressure had panicked her already....Mita served dinner early that day.....Koustav had bought a rocking chair for Niloy. When Titli left to sleep,he showed that to everyone.....Ria was not there, he packed the gifts sitting in the hall...Mita also bought a gold coin for him, so he packed it too.....he was checking sone work e-mails,it had been quite late, but he was not feeling sleepy...he saw the lights flickering on, Ria was coming downstairs....she was stunned to see him downstairs this time , but said nothing....she needed tea to stay up for an hour more.....she muddled a cardamom , put that in hot water, and started to pour tea leaves....From the sofa Koustav said,"Make it for me too"....Ria was happy...Ria kept his cup on the table,started to get on the stairs...

Koustav: You did not give me any answers last night....

Ria: you already know my answer....

Koustav: Why do you have tea so late at night?

Ria: My exams are coming....I have to stay up for a while now....

And she left.....Koustav went upstairs after some time, he saw her room's mid lamps were on.....his room was still the same, as he left it this morning.....but there was a tumbler full of water was kept on his table.....he sighed a breath of relief.....went to sleep afterwards....


Next day, Mita and Sumit went to a temple with Titli,so she would not be able to see Ria and Koustav going....
This arised a new problem for Ria, before this, Titli helped arranging her pleats of saree, she was in  such a state,she could neither call her mother, nor ask Romy to come and help as she had fever....Binni was given off today...

Mita was quite liberal, she herself had suggested Ria to remove all excessive bangles,sankha-pola and gifted her only a Noa to wear as an alternative......But today ,she had instructed her to wear saree as there would be more of their relatives....

She was all ready, but her hands were hurting after numerous numbers of trying.....she heard Koustav's footsteps...though she was shy, still she  called him and asked if he could help.....going in front of her room, Koustav knocked,entered the room hearing her voice, she was unable to manage the pleats, he lowered himself, marged those, and arranged them properly......Ria thanked him and took those in her hand turned back to washroom to tuck them......saying, "hurry! The cab is here", Koustav went downstairs....

Locking the main gate, Koustav got on the cab after Ria with the bags of gifts....both of them were seated on the back seat.......Ria called her parents and  in-laws ,informed that they had started for Namit uncle's house...

Ria looked out of the window, Koustav was doing something in his phone......this moment was precious...she had him beside her....and he was trying to be normal.....she was happy....


Hey lovelies....thank you for being here, choosing this book....Do vote,comment and share my book....enjoy the festive season...be happy..stay safe...take care...♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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