"I- oh god I'm so sorry I-I didn't see you there" I said, nervous.
"It's ok, Mostly my fault" she smiled, it was the most gorgeous smile ever. I looked at her sides, she had two guys standing next to her. One was muscular and the other was tall, a little intimidating.
"I'm Paris" she broke the silence "And these are my best friends, Peter and kip" They both smiled at me, I felt like they were telling me to just leave or they'll beat my ass.
"Oh- I- I'm Tucker, sorry" I said and smiled a bit. I felt short compared to the two guys, but Paris was my around my height so she wasn't to scary. "I'll see you around, Tucker" she said and they all walked off. My heart was pounding and I had no idea why. I shrugged it off and picked up my phone. Cracked. It's was cracked everywhere. I groaned and turned it on, it still worked, thank god. But, the cracks made it so I could barely type. I rolled my eyes and decided to head home, it was getting hot outside anyway. While I was walking I decided to text Mia and Bailey.
To: "The gc😏"Tucker: Cracked my phone for the 3rd time this month. Smart, right? 😆😆
Mia: Is this the time I can call you a doofus?
Tucker: shut up
Bailey: Tucker just fix your phone and get a screen protecter Jesus it's not hard
Tucker: it's kinda hard when you're me and an idiot
I smiled at my response and powered my phone off. I was almost home. I ran up to the front door and turned the knob, locked. I rolled my eyes and knocked.
"Mom! Let me in" I yelled and turned the locked door knob.
"Mom?" I said, more confused. But maybe she was just messing with me.
"Please let me in!" I yelled and knocked on the door harder. I didn't bring a key because I didn't expect her to lock the doors. Worry filled me. Where was she? I decided to call her, maybe she'd pick up.
A few seconds passed as it rang, then she hung up. I called again, hung up.
Again and again.
She kept hanging up.
"Mom?" I whispered into the door. My heart was racing and I got shaky.——
Ending it here probably posting again tonight but I just need to think what happens next, lol