New plan..

570 18 16

{Jay's POV}

I woke up to a headache in my head. I look around to find my phone to check the time. It was around  1pm...


I said as I lie back down.

"Still tried..."

I look around my room, slowly trying wake up.i don't wanna work like this forever especially for "him" Am always tried and in pain and ALMOST might actually die. I can't do this anymore!

I get up in frustration and go to the kitchen to eat something to get my mind off it since there's nothing I can do...

Or that's what I thought..

I started planning what I can do. I could.. nope that wouldn't work that stupid.. what if- oh that could actually work! I could fake my death and try to help Zandra as well because she my friend. But my friends have to think am dead too..

I sighed. What about Stephen what would he think.. what about everyone. They would be heartbroken..

SHIT I HAVE TO MOVE TOO. So they really are gonna think am dead! Uhhhh I don't know what to do?!

OK OK OK I need to calm down a bit well at least I can't be stressing too much about it. I mean I could see them one day and surprise them but what if they hate me..

Then that thought hurt me inside... Stephen he's gonna hate me. They're gonna be mad at me..

Whatever I could find someone else instead and some new friends anyway... I don't want to leave them though. Ok no don't think about it to much THIS is my decision now it probably the only way out of this. Just hopefully you'll never see them again...

I'm gonna go text her the plan I guess..

J: i got a plan

Z: wdym

J: about leaving that stupid gang forever!

Z: really!?

J: yes but we're gonna have to leave everyone we know behind.

Z: oh.. what about your friends

J: I know but this is gonna be worth it

Z: okay..

J: ok first we have to plan our death. Let's say we committed suicided. And have the hospital pronounce our death. Then we'll have to move somewhere else in Canada bc I don't have enough money for this :(

Z: ok but how are we going to get the hospital to say we're dead?

J: hold them to gun point.

Z: ok


J: ok got it let's meet up at the hospital **** now so we don't go though this again and also cuz I don't wanna overthink everything again.

Z:okay that's fine ig see ya there


I can't believe am doing this...

Hello back at it again with a other chapter. Am so sorry I haven't updated in a long time. Well am a pretty "troubled" (am a bad kid so my parents get mad at me all the time) kid at school so I haven't really been the happiest person now though I do try to do work but am distracted all the time it difficult rn but I'll be fine anyway am glad i got to post this for you guys since you guys WAITED SINCE FOREVER and I honestly feel bad that my lazy ass hasn't been updating this. So am sorry if you're one of the people who has been waiting since August. Yes it been two months. Anyway hopefully you guys have a wonderful day


                     *not editing this*

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