Chapter 15

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I had to do some edits and it takes a really long time, but I am going to do it for every chapter. Please do expect very fast updates.

Chapter 13 b: Preparation

Naruto smiled as he woke up, feeling the weight of Kurenai's head on his chest.

"Morning, Naruto-kun," Kurenai chuckled.

"Morning, Kure-chan," Naruto groaned as he got up and stretched. "Man...Haku-chan is going to kill me."

"Do you regret it?" Kurenai asked, somewhat worried.

"Nope," Naruto stood and began searching for his clothes. "Still pissed about the council though, part of me wants to run in there and kill them all, another part of me wants to run in and only kill those who wanted me dead. The last part of me wants to wipe Konoha from the face of the earth, but I know that isn't particularly good for my dreams of becoming Hokage.

"Konoha is still weak," Kurenai watched Naruto get dressed, enjoying the show. "Jiraiya is trying his best, but Danzo's brief rule has left too many cracks in our forces. Two rogue elements care only about themselves rather than the village. What we need is a cleansing; all of those who have no right to power should have it stripped and then demote them to civilian status. The council was a foolish attempt at democracy, but let's face facts it failed miserably, seeing as we seem to be blessed with Honourable Hokages. Still, they are overshadowed by the corrupt council we have."

"Nice bit of alliteration there," Naruto chuckled.

"Thank you," Kurenai groaned as Naruto finished dressing, "Where are you planning to go now?"

"I think you were right about that cleansing." Naruto grinned evilly. "I believe it is my duty as the future Hokage to start on this cleansing as soon as possible."

"Naruto-kun," Kurenai wrapped her arms around him, "Don't do anything stupid."

"Define stupid," Naruto responded.

"...Anything that will get you killed."

"Don't worry," Naruto winked, "I am an expert at not leaving any evidence and surviving. On that note, can I borrow your shower? I need to smell fresh to avoid upsetting Haku."

The air was practically electric now. They had been awake, watching each other move for 12 hours straight, but now fatigue was beginning to show, each one looked ready to collapse, and when they did, it would all be over.

"Hi, Haku...." Naruto walked in and noted the three girls evil glaring him. "And Hinata that you, Konan?" Naruto grinned uneasily under pressure, "I did something wrong, didn't I?"

"You think?" Haku rubbed her eyes. "I was sat up waiting for you all night!"

"You told me to meet you here at ten!" Hinata growled, lack of sleep affecting her usual character, "When you make an appointment, you keep it!"

"I am glad to see you are well, Uzumaki-sama," Konan bowed politely. " would not allow me entrance to see you." Konan jerked her head in Haku's direction, ignoring the death glare she was receiving.

"Well...I guess you must all be tired, you all probably want to get some sleep." Naruto smiled. "After you have rested, I will be on the Hokage Monument if you wish to talk to me."

Haku walked over and hugged Naruto. "Sure, Naru...wait a second, since when did you wear perfume?"

'Oh shit.' Naruto blinked, 'I swore I took five showers to make sure I wouldn't smell...I wanted to tell Haku in my own time!'

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