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I'm attracted to your passion,
Be yourself, forget the fashion
Just keep that smile on your face
You and I deserve to be forever ever lasting

A/N: I picked this song bcause it reminds me of Brandless #BrandlessBitches


Emmy P.O.V

This wasn't right. Kissing him. I mean there really wasn't anything wrong, we were both technically single.

Melina left him, Sawyer won't tell me why. I feel like his rebound but then again I didnt care.

I've always loved Sawyer, something deep inside always melted at the sound of his name. I didn't want to be with Joey anymore, I didn't need to be with Joey anymore.

"So hows the baby?" Sawyer asked pulling apart from me. We had deep conversations mostly, more than we had sex.

"Good. Flawsy took him home today." "Is she still with that one kid?" He asked. I nod. "She's in love with him. The baby even has his last name."

"Rushings pretty tore up about that." He told me. "Well teach your son to be less of a dick."

"I will when you teach your daughters to stop being sluts." He told me. "Okay Hartman, this sounds like a bet." I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

"If you can get Flawsy away from Brandon, ill get Rushing to be a better person to Flawsy and a better father. Whosever child gets there first wins."

"Wins what?" "A tropical get away with the other."

I smirk.

"Okay, deal." I said giving him a quick kiss on the lips.


Flawsys P.O.V

"Im so happy Hes home!" I told Brandon. "I am too."

I sat in a rocking chair, Bryson in my arms.

"Hes so precious." I whispeared. "I have a suprise for the two of you." Brandon said.

I look up at him raising an eyebrow.

"For your birthday." He smiled. "C'mon Brand, I already told you I didn't want anything."

"Well to bad I already got you something, but we have to drive to it." He told me. "Okay let me put a jacket on Bryson and we can go."

I got Bryson ready and put him in a car seat causing him to fuss a little.

Brandon opened the passenger side door for me before climbing into the drivers seat. We started driving down the road. 

"Where are we going exactly?" I asked as we got off the highway and on a back road that wasnt familiar.

"Its a suprise my love." He said. I got kind of scared hoping he wasn't bringing me out here to murder me or something, but a part of me found trust and Brandon knowing he'll take care of me.

We reached the back roads of Hollywood after 15 minutes of driving. We reached a neighborhood of Mansions I could only dream of living in.

"Okay close your eyes." Brandon told me. I did so as I felt the car slow down. He shut off the car and ran over to my side opening the door for me.

"Keep your eyes closed!" He said as he went to get Bryson out of the back of the car.

"Okay keep them closed, ill lead the way."

We walked about a minute then stopped.

"Okay open!" He said with excitement. I did and was met with a huge white house.

I looked at Brandon confused.

"What are we doing here?" I asked him. "This is your new house baby. Our new house."

My jaw dropped.

"Brandon! You're joking!" I said as i ran up the porch. "Can I go inside?" I asked. He nods. "There is furniture in there already, its all set up for us!" He said.

I walked in and saw a huge living room, the walls a beautiful egg shell color. The furniture was black and leather.

The kitchen was huge and I couldn't wait to cook things in it and be like a house wife. I giggled at The thought.  I walked up a white stair case and was met with a door leading to the secound floor.

I opened it and saw a hallway with two rooms at the end. I saw to my left there was a medium sized bathroom with a shower. I walked down the hall and turned to the bedroom on my right, it was painted blue and had a black crib and a black dresser, pictures of me and Brandon we took on his phone when I was pregnant and one of Brandon holding Bryson for the first time were hung on the wall. I guess this was Brysons room.

I walked to the one a cross the hall, a big room with a California king sized bed in the middle covered in white sheets. I smiled and plopped down on it. I pictured me and Brandon having our first night together here. The blush grew on my cheeks.

This room also had a walk in closet and a bathroom with one of those jet tub things.

This house was beautiful.

I heard a little whine from behind me and turned to see Brandon holding Bryson in the door way.

"Like the house?" He asked. "Like it? Im fucking in love! But you didnt have to do this Brandon! This must of been a fortune!"

"Nothing is too much for my two favorite people." He told me. I walked up to him and Kissed him passionately. He kissed back. I pulled away and gave Bryson a little kiss on the forhead.

"Okay I have one more gift for you."

"Haven't you spoiled me enough?" I asked. He handed me Bryson before reaching Into his pocket.

He pulled out a velvet box.

He opened it and a diamond incrusted heart locket laid inside. I gasp. (Ha yall probs thought he was gonna propose.)

"Brandon its beautiful." I said lifting my hair up and balancing Bryson in one arm. He locked the chain around my neck. "Not as beautiful as you." He said kissing the back of my neck.

"Open the locket." He said taking Bryson out of my arms. I did so and inside was a picture of Brandon and Bryson.

"I love it Brandon thank you so much, for everything." I said. "You're welcome." He said giving me a kiss on the lips.

"Flawless Marie I think I'm in love with you." He said trying to do an American Accent. I giggled. "Well Brandon James the feeling is mutual." I laughed as I failed miserably at an Irish accent.

He kissed me once more.

"Shall we go back to my brothers and  pack our clothes so we can settle into our new home?"

I smiled.

"I think we shall."

"Happy birthday beautiful."




God I'm writing this shit and im pissed at my own plot xD


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