And It Killed Me Too

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A friend asked me, “why did you leave her?”

I swear my face was downright faceless and all I heard was the echo of it, swirling down my cerebrum.

When I left, I did not put up a cute sticky note letter on the refrigerator’s door, only to kill you again with an empty promise of coming back tomorrow.

When I said, “I am leaving,” I practiced a thousand times, memorized a thousand articles in my my defense to somehow suffice your question why — if ever you have one.

But, girl, I was never a good lawyer, instead of defending myself, I set myself guilty, without any parole.

Leaving someone who loves you does not need a defense. You kill someone and no one expects an apology of it. It is your call.

Now I know why we put tombstones on cemeteries, to put a note for them to come back — but we all know that a day will come they will stop visiting us.

RecuérdameOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora