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Jeongyeon's POV


"Yoo Jeongyeon! Come back here!"
My father shouted.

I don't wanna go back. They always hurt me. I ran as fast as I can until I'm already lost at the forest. I roam around searching for a shelter. I was stopped when I saw something glowing at a cave.

I enter the dark cave. Everything seems normal until I found a weird stone that looks like a toy... or emblem. I was shocked when it glows. I felt my skin and body burning. It hurts so bad. Then everything turned pitch black.


"Jeongiiieeee!" Jihyo shouted.

"The freak?! You're too loud!" I shouted.

"Tch... by the way I'm here to tell you that there's a new transfer here"
she said

"Do I look like a person who will care?" I asked coldly

"Geez you're scaring me" Jihyo said

Then suddenly I saw that freakin bully walking at the hallway. My skin felt burning again. What's happening! Help!

"Jeong? Are you ok?" Jihyo asked full of worries

I hold my chest. I suddenly can't breathe.

"Jeong!" She shouted as I fall to the ground. She tried to lift me up but it's no use.

"Y-Your e-eyes... it's turning emerald" she said scared.

I hold her hand and felt something.
Then I felt normal again.

"J-Jihyo... you're eyes turned to blue a minute ago" I said. I saw it literally.

"Uhhh... maybe it's just your hallucinations, I-I got to go" Jihyo said and run

"Wait!" Where could she possibly go?

I suddenly got headache. I close my eyes due to so much pain. As I opened it my vision zoom out and suddenly located where Jihyo go. I hold my head and go back to normal again.

S-She's going to the principal's office? But why? And what's happening to me. I haven't felt this thing. Except when I was a kid but I forgot what happened then.

I started running to the principal's office. I was about to open the door when I heard the principal talk.

"Ms. Yoo please come in" He said.
Wait how did he know I'm here?

I enter the room and saw jihyo sitting at the chair with her head down.

"I want to transfer you to another school" He said.

"What?! Why Mr. Park?" I asked.

"It's the school where you belong. Don't worry I'm the owner of it" He said.

"And where could it possibly be?"

"Jihyo will guide you" He said and smile.

Jihyo stood up and comes closer to me.

"You didn't tell me you're one of us" She whispered and started to walk away.

I followed her... hours passed and we're at the forest. Possibly lost.

"Yahhh Thomas you sure we're on the right place?" I asked

"Yep." She said as she run to that more bright forest. I followed her.

The grass is more brighter, there are more animals roaming around and there I saw a big gate and there's something written.

Land of the Guardians

"W-Where are we?" I nervously asked.

"We are in the land where the of
guardians of the emblems live, like you and me" She said.

She hold her chest and a light suddenly appeared.

"This are emblems" A two cool looking stone from her heart suddenly pops out.

"It's the one responsible for giving you a specific powers, well without it you're weak... and now that you're guardian once someone gets that emblem to you it's like a part of you was taken away... or as you know your soul, so you'll probably die when your emblem is gone" She explained.

"But h-how did I and you get it?" I asked

"Mine... the first one is when I was a kid.  I trained to get it... you need to unlock your potential to literally get the emblem, but I don't know how you get yours" She answered

I just nodded. When we entered the land of the guardians a girl as fast as lightning suddenly show up.

"Hey Jihyo... found a guardian living in the land of humans?" The girl asked

"Yep... she's lucky she didn't get killed" Jihyo answered.

"Name's Momo... I'm the Speed and teleportation emblem guardian and currently trying to achieve the Electrokinesis" She said and bowed

"I'm Jeongyeon... I still haven't figure out mine" I said

"Well how did Jihyo know you are a guardian?" Momo asked

"Her eyes pabo" Jihyo answer.

"Yahh... sorry I haven't attended classes lately" Momo said.

We walk a mile until we reach this look like a castle place.

"Well we're here... Guardian Academy... they'll teach and help you about your power" Jihyo said and smiled.

"You can live at my house though" Momo suggested

"Ok if you said so" I said.

"Just a little reminder... be careful when you meet the Top Students or the Gang members... they have this pin thingy, don't mess up with them" Jihyo reminded.

"I'm not that dangerous" Momo said then pout.

I look at her pin it says. 5th highest guardian. I raised my eyebrow cause I'm confused.

"Well the Academy's Highest Rank Guardians are pretty spoiled but not me though... I'm cool" Momo

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