Edward? Who the hell was Edward? Were one of us tripping and forgot what Orion's name sounds like?
"I'm sorry Edward. Seishin is sorry!" The poor girl cries one more time before fainting on the bar. Moonshine that seeped into the wood acted like chloroform and put her to sleep when she sobbed onto it for too long.
"What was that?" I asked Akira quietly so that the demon of Seishin wouldn't wake up again. Assuming that she knew Seishin a lot better than I did, but I was wrong. "I dunno" she replies. "I've known her for a little bit but I've never seen her like that. I would've asked you because I thought that both you and Orion knew a lot about her"
Why would she think me of all people would know a lot about Seishin? Does she not know that I just remembered who she was this morning?
But I can remember Orion awhile back. I'd say... Akito days? Going over to a girl's house for "support". I never really believed him at the time but now I guess that girl was Seishin? If that girl was Seishin then she's came over a few times. Surely I could've seen her face and remembered this morning and said "oh yeah! You're that pink haired chick that got therapy from my older brother!" or something like that
No matter what, the pieces didn't connect. I guess I'd just play it off as really bad memory on my part. Akira clears her throat to get my attention and swings the girl over her shoulder. "Lets get her to the infirmary" she said
I nod my head in agreement and also try to sling Goro over my shoulder. He wasn't unconscious...
Flailing and kicking out of my arms he lands on his feet again. "Hika- I mean- Hiraku, is she out yet?" he asks pointing at Seishin. "Ha! Yeah, passed out from the drink" I chuckle. It wasn't really a lie, wasn't it?
He lets out a hearty laugh bends down to Seishin's face. "Can't say I didn't warn you!" He mocks. "Jeez Goro, could you be anymore of an ass?" Akira said
"Dunno, you want me to?" he asks Akira suddenly getting close. "I was being sarcastic, baka..." The guy takes off the button down shirt he was wearing to reveal the ripped body he's always had. 6 packs of muscle on his stomach and lean everywhere else. Toned like a snake
"I think Sei-chan really hurt me..." he said innocently rubbing his back. "Would Akira-tan like to touch me to see if Goro is okay?"
She knocks him with her fist. "NO! I DO NOT WANT TO TOUCH YOU!" She screams. Goro slows down and gets into walking line with me. "It was worth the try" he whispers
Akira puts the battered girl into a bed with fresh sheets and covers her in a new blanket. Like me and my bar tending skill, she has a little skill of her own. The God slayer tended wounds well. She probably patched me up after I "blacked out" on the floor
She dresses Seishin's cuts gently with occasional dabs of alcohol and bandages. So gentle that her patient barely stirs in her sleep talking more about this Edward guy
"For fighting Gildarts Clive that long she doesn't look that beaten up" I comment. We only knew about Fairy Tails SS-class mages appearance from how the other wizards praised his name. And I was the only one who knew who he was out of the BH people
Suddenly we hear the guilds front door slam open and wood scattering again. "Is Seishin here?!" a loud powerful voice asks. No doubt about it, Orion
The first thing my brother did was check on the Mage while she was still asleep. None of his usual "Did anything happen while I was gone?" or "Is Hiraku and everybody okay?". He just rushed into Seishin's room with a worried lookI wouldn't have been worried if it had been a few minutes to a half hour of him looking at her but he waited a good 4 hours until she woke up. Orion could be hard to figure out if he was troubled. Even as his brother it's hard to tell, so like a loyal little brother I wait for him just outside of the room

Lava Shards: A Fairy Tail Fanfiction
RandomHello guys! It might be weird reading this from me after I just started writing and publishing 'Between Two Lives' because of the sudden drop in seriousness that Between had/has. This is a Fairy Tail fanfic sort of thing where my oc (original charac...