Chapter 67

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Aurora's POV:

To say the least, I woke up at noon with a banging headache. The sound of my cellphone ringing non stop making me turn to pick it up and answer.

I put the phone against my ear. "What the fuck happened?" Tristan's not so happy voice pierces into my ear, making me frown in confusion.

"Tristan. W-What do you mean?"

"I've been notified of what happened last night and I've been trying to reach you all morning." He says in an irritated voice.

"I'm sorry, I turned my phone off and fell asleep." I apologize, rubbing my eyes back and forth. I'm preparing myself for a scolding because by the sound of his voice, he's fuming.

"'Are you okay? What happened?" He asks in a worried tone, softening his tone slightly as I nod to myself. "It's nothing serious, I'm fine." I assure him. 

"You were at the hospital." He snaps. "If something happens to you, I'd like you to inform me next time instead of the guards." He warns in an annoyed tone, raising his voice and making me gulp.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't want you to be worried." I confess in a low tone. If there's one thing I don't like, it's how angry he gets when anything happens to me.

"You're my pregnant wife, of course I'm going to be fucking worried." He snaps as I sigh out, feeling slightly nervous. "What happened?"

"I was in pain in the middle of the night and I-I thought I was miscarrying. Your parents and your brother helped me to the hospital. I didn't know what else to do." I explain to him.

There was a moment of silence where all I can here from his end is his ragged breathing. "Fuck, Aurora..."  He breathes, his voice saddening a bit. I can just sense from his tone that he has that frown on his face, that frown that he somehow still looks handsome with. "I'll be there tonight." He announces out of the blue.


"You heard me, I'm getting on the jet in an hour and I'll be there this evening." He says, his loud footsteps in the background.

"But you said last night that you're not done in New York." I remind him. Mainly because I want him to focus on his work because it's been bothering him for a while. He can't do that if he's worried, thinking that I'm not well.

"Not a fucking chance am I staying here knowing you're there alone after what happened." He spits in anger, raising his voice with each sentence he speaks.

"Tristan, please. If you come back, you'll have to go back there again. Wouldn't it be better if you took care of everything? You said you'd be here in a few days, I promise I'll be okay by myself." I explain to him, trying to get him to calm down, to which he doesn't answer, causing me to carry on attempting to persuade him. "Please, Tristan."

"What if something happens and I'm not there?" He hushes out with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Nothing will happen to me, I promise." I continue to reassure him, hoping he will cave in. "You can call the doctor yourself and she'll tell you that I'm fine." I suggest because having the doctor telling me that nothing wrong with me, really set my mind at ease. I'm hoping it could do the same for him.

He stays silent for a moment, I'm guessing he's debating what to do."If you need anything at all, you'll call me." He orders as I nod to myself.

"Okay, I will." I promise him as I hear inaudible chatter on his end of the phone. "I have to go now, I have a meeting. I'll call you tonight, yeah?" He says before hanging up the phone.

Caged By HimOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora