11: Find a reason to hold on

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I am so sorry for the slow updates😭 but writers block is just sticking with me and I can't get anything done😪 a slightly shorter chapter, cause I just couldn't write anything more😫

After Martin and Anne left, Dec started to get comfortable in the room. He was more than relieved that he could stay at the hospital and help Ant with his recovery.

He opened one of the bags and pulled out a framed photograph of them, Dec sitting on Ant's lap, smiling at each other, like they did so many times...

The window still was the perfect place to put the photograph, smiling sadly at the memory, running a finger over Ants laughing face.

The slow jazz music filled the living room, the fireplace tinted the room into a reddish, warm shade. The only sound besides the flickering from the warm fire was someone turning book pages and breathing softly.

The raven black hair shimmered slightly as the light from the fire shone through the whole living room. His eyes focused onto the words that were written into the book he was reading, his mind deeply engrossed with the story, trying to figure out who the next victim will be.

A sloppy, small frame came down the stairs, sometimes stepping onto the fluffy blanket that was securely wrapped around the petite body.

Without taking his eyes of his book, he extended his arms for the smaller one to sit on his lap, letting his head fall onto the strong chest and closing his eyes, as he heard the familiar beat of the other mans heart underneath his ear.

Ant wrapped his arms around his cocooned boyfriend, placing a gentle kiss onto the soft brown hair. He abounded the book, after finishing the last paragraph and put it down next to them, pressing the now sleeping frame close to him.

Closing his eyes, letting his mind drift off, protectively holding Dec and placing another kiss on his forehead before he let himself fall to sleep.

The whimper coming from the sleeping figure next to him, startled him out of his daydream back into reality. Ant moved and rolled around, clinged onto the bedsheets and crunched his eyes together as if he was trying to close them even though they already were closed.

Dec sat down on the uncomfortable plastic chair and watched his boyfriend with a sad face, trying to figure out what the best way would be to comfort him.

"Anth, its okay...its alright. I am here" he hesistated, not wanting to scare him again but Dec wanted to show him he is there for him, that he would always be there for him, so he took his hand in his, stroking it softly with his thumb.

His scarred boyfriend only answered with another whimper, a single tear rolled down his cheek, while he stopped moving so rapidly.

A shimmer of hope made his way through Dec's mind as the black haired man didn't pull away, no, he clanged onto the smaller hand and pressed it multiple times.

"Ye..yes Anth, I am here, I am here" Ant started to wake up again, hearing those words and this familiar voice. But he still couldn't tell who it is, who this man was that was so important to him.

It looked like he was fighting to wake up, out of a terrible nightmare, keeping him asleep.

But his eyelids fluttered open, blinking several times before his tired eyes fell on Dec. And yet again he yanked his hand away, now fully awake and fear overtook his tiredness.

Dec could feel his heart sting in his chest as the tears rolled down Ant's exhausted face and the scared eyes met his. He stayed calm, moved only carefully and slowly to show him he had nothing that could hurt him.

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