It had been six months since pony had started going to the day care while his brothers were at work. He had been spending time with a speach therapist and was slowly starting to pronounce his words better. He would get a little frustrated at times though.
"Pony, your brother's here to pick you up" ellen said as she approached pony who was looking at some books with emily. "By emi" pony said hugging his friend. "By pony" she replied. "By ellen" he gave his carer a hug before walking over to where sodapop was waiting.
"Hi sodapop" pony greeted his brother, giving him a hug. "Hey pones, you ready to go home" soda asked higging his brother back. Pony had started hugging people more and more. His brothers didn't mind and even dally and steve who the roughest of the gang never pushed pony away when he hugged either of them.
"Yeah soda, i'm hungry" pony stated. "Ok buddy, how about we get some burgers on the way home" pony loved hamburgers and chocolate milk. "Yes please soda".
They stopped by the dairy queen on the way home. Knowing darry would be home soon, soda made sure to grab something for the older brother too. "Soda, cho co lot milk please" pony asked making an effort to sound out the word. "Sure thing buddy, you did so good with your word baby" soda said praising pony for trying.
Once they got their orders they headed on home. Darry's truck was already parked out front. "Hey guys" darry greeted as the two stepped inside. "Da rr ee, we got burgors" pony announced giving darry a hug "is that so" darry replied rubbing his baby brother's head.
They all sat down at the kitchen table. Even though pony loved burgers, he would usually be full after eating only half. As long as he was eating something his brothers were happy. "Full soda" pony spoke up.
"One more bite, pones" soda pleaded to which pony shook his head. Darry and soda both new that once pony set his mind to something there was no room for agument. "Ok baby, how about you go pick out what pajamas you want to wear tonight" darry suggested.
Over the past few months darry and soda had gotten pony into a routine. Once his brothers helped him into his pj's and got him to brush his teeth, he would usually watch a little bit of tv before getting his bed time story.
Bedtimes had improved too. Pony no longer needed his binki, but instead had his favourite stuffed bear. To get him to sleep, one of his brothers would rub his back or play with his hair til they heard light snores.

a new challenge (the bond between brothers doesn't just end in blood)
Fanfictionwhat if the night pony was getting drowned by those soc johnny couldn't save him in time. what if darry and soda ran after pony when he ran off but got to him too late...