Walking around the village has been my weekend routine, ever since I wanted to make my self fit. I got a slim figure, but I want myself to be somewhat athletic. I walk every road of the village, so I always walk pass by at his house.. Yeah, my ex-Bestfriend's house...
Everytime I walk pass by his house, flashbacks come to me, reminding me the memories we had. I admit it's fucking painful, I mean, I love him so much and he was so much more than just a Best Friend, he was both a Big Brother and a Boyfriend to me at least.. Even though he's so damn forgetful, forgetting my birthday, the stories I've told him, and stuffs.. I still love him, coz I accept who he is.
So passing by his house, it's still the same.. but what I've noticed was his bike, it was not there at all. Questions flood my head, but what striked me through, 'Did he sold it?'.
I definitely was not having fun about overthinking, it always lead to hurting myself and my feelings. 'If he did sold it, I should've bought it.. ', I thought.. Yeah I know, it's too much of me to even buy his bike, I mean, I'm going too far..
That bike.. even though it's kinda old, it has a sentimental value for me. I used to bike with him around, and every time he went at my house, he always used it..
I sighed at the thought of his bike being sold. I realized that, I'm just hurting myself again by the thoughts of him. I need to move on..