CHAPTER 3: Jealousy

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Shoto's POV:

When the villains attacked us at the camp. Me and Midoriya got separated. I tried to get back to him but a crazy looking villain was in my way. Soon Midoriya found me and wanted my help to protect Bakugo. At first I just thought that it was his hero instinct, but when he attacked the villain with the top hat on. With no regards to his own safety. I started to feel jealousy towards Bakugo. Then he was right infrunt of me. If I wanted to. I could've reached out just a little more and caught Bakugo. However at that moment I hesitated and a scar covered villain got him. After Bakugo was taken. Midoriya collapsed to the ground and went into shock from his injuries. The whole time he was in the hospital. He was crying out in his sleep.

"Kacchan I'm sorry that I couldn't save you. Please hang on. I'll come save you when I can."

When Midoriya would wake up. It was like his soul wasn't there. Like his body is an empty shell. So when Kirishima told us about a way to save Bakugo. I thought that if I saved him. Then Midoriya would love me even more. So I agreed to help rescue Bakugo.

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