Chapter 15: Ash-Greninja

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Note: I thought the theme in the video above went well for the first part of the chapter, so you can play it while listening if you choose to. Also, thank you for 2,000 views!

"Greninja use Cut!" Ash commanded

"Bisharp counter with Shadow Claw!" Hidayu replied

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"Bisharp counter with Shadow Claw!" Hidayu replied

Greninja dashed forward, surrounded in it's bubble of water, and it landed a big Cut to Bisharp before it could even move forward with Shadow Claw

"So fast..." Clemont stated

"And such power..." Sanpei added

"Now use Snarl!" Hidayu shouted

"Counter it with Cut!" Ash shouted back

Bidharp then fired a ball of energy that rode on the ground, but Greninja used it's blade to stop the attack, and then charge in and land a big slice to Bisharp

"Fury Cutter!" Hidayu demanded

"Aerial Ace!" Ash replied

Greninja and Bisharp then traded blows as neither we're able to hit the other until Greninja landed a big kick to the chest which sent Bidharp crashing into a wall

"Gengar use Sucker Punch!"

"Houndoom use Fire Fang!"

"Skarmory, Quick Attack!"

"Ariados use Metal Claw!"

"Greninja attack back with Aerial Ace!" Ash instructed

Gengar dashed forward with Sucker Punch but Greninja easily dodged and landed it's own punch, one shotting the ghost type Pokemon

Houndoom and Ariados then charged in with their attacks but they also missed, not being able to match Greninja's newly immense speed, and they were both hit by big kicks

Skarmory did an aerial back flip before flying in with Quick Attack, but flying wasn't a problem either for Greninja at it tossed a Water Shuriken which hit the Pokemon, and knocking it out of the sky

"Garchomp, use Draco Meteor!"

"Tyranitar, land a Crunch!"

"Aggron use Heavy Slam!"

A Draco Meteor was fired off by Garchomp, but Greninja once again had no problem dealing with these attacks as it effortlessly dashed in and dodged all the meteorites, hitting Tyranitar and Aggron each with a Cut before they could land attacks, and then using Aerial Ace on Garchomp

"Ariados web him up!"

"Houndoom use Quick Attack!"

Ariados then shot webs at Greninja and tied him up, and Houndoom charged in for Quick Attack but still hit nothing as Greninja dodged with its arms tied

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"Now use Cut!" Ash commanded

Greninja then easily broke free from it's webbing and landed a Cut on Houndoom and then on Ariados, finishing them both off

"Garchomp, Dragon Claw!"

"Tyranitar, Stone Edge!"

"Aggron, Heavy Slam!"

Once again going on the offense, Garchomp and Aggron charged in with their respective attacks, but only found themselves being sent flying back as Greninja hit them both with a rapid Cut to the side

Stone Edge then nearly hit Greninja if not for it's speed, as it jumped onto the stone column and made it's way over, finishing Tyranitar with a Water Shuriken

"Get up! Use Dragon Pulse!"

"Use Flash Cannon!"

Garchomp shot a big Dragon Pulse but Greninja was powerful enough to block the attack using a dual Cut to chop up the attack

Flash Cannon then made it's way over to Greninja, but he used Aerial Ace and slapped the attack into the wall next to it

"Water Shuriken, max power!" Ash shouted

Greninja then raised one hand and Ash did the same as a large Water Shuriken began to conjugate, and when it was ready, Greninja along with Ash who mirrored his motions fired the attack and hit the trio of Pokemon, ending the confrontation (end theme)

"What's going on here?" Ippai asked as he, Sizo and Hanzo approached

"Hanzo! Your safe!" Sanpei said

"Yes, Ippai was just enough to defeat Kagetomo" He replied

"That Greninja..." Sizo then said

"I believe that would be Bond Phenomenon" Clemont pointed out

"Great job Greninja!" Ash exclaimed and Greninja reverted to normal


Ash then felt a sharp pain throughout his body and he sat down cross legged, catching his breath and returning Greninja

*Serena's POV

"Are you ok Ash?" I asked

"I'm fine for the most part" He assured

"Thanks so much for saving us by the way" I said

"Don't thank me, Greninja gets the credit" Ash replied

"Well to be fair, under synchronization i'd say it was an even job" Clemont disagreed

"That's right. That was amazing Ash!" I added

"Thanks Serena" He said

"Now come on, let's get out of here" I suggested and I helped Ash get up

"It's pretty late, so we should get going" Ash said

"Right! Thanks so much for the help you guys! Especially Ash, you and Greninja were incredible. I hope to see your progression later" Shinobu said

"Anytime" Ash replied

"It was nice seeing you again Ash, maybe next time we see each other, my Greninja will use Bond Phenomenon" Sanpei said

"Good seeing you too Sanpei, it was fun" Ash agreed and the two shook hands


It was now the first official day of winter break and my first day back in Kalos, and I awoke pretty late, but it was probably due to timezone differences between Kalos and Hoenn

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