Chapter 30 - Abdication

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Chapter 30 - Abdication

"Alright, listen!!" I yelled over the din as the crowd murmured around me. My voice immediately captured their attention.

"Right. What's the plan, Missy?" Logan asked, clapping his hands together.

"Oh, there is a plan." I said softly and everyone whispered excitedly. "But not from me." A sudden hush descended over the crowd like a suffocating fog.

"What?" Annabi asked.

I lifted my chin and spoke the truth loudly. "We've been compromised. Snow knows of the force we've gathered and we're all in serious danger."

Worried murmuring instigated. "How?" someone demanded from the crowd. The assembly parted slightly and made a circular gap around a dark haired boy with green eyes. I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off.

"After the Games," Logan interceded. "Missy was taken into a infirmary and injected with venom from something called a tracker-jacker. Tracker-jackers are wasps from Panem - where we come from - and they're genetically engineered to be have extremely painful and hallucination-inducing stings."

"What do they have to do with anything?" he asked, crossing a pair of skinny arms.

"Why don't you listen to find out, Bletchley?" Annabi retorted, rolling her eyes.

"Thanks. The people in the infirmary used the hallucinogen in the venom to twist her memories about, making us some of us seem like a sort of threat or a hostile force." His hand flew to his shoulder, rubbing it gingerly as I looked away guiltily from immobilising him like that. "So they've seen her memories, especially about the ones where this group exists."

"Which brings me to the more important thing." I added, stepping forward. "I'm relinquishing my position as the Antarsían leader."

There was a sudden burst of protest including a simultaneous "What?!" from Annabi and Logan.

"Alright!" I yelled to shut the crowd up. "Let's be honest. Logan and Annabi are the ones who have led you since I've been away. You know them, they know you and you all will co-operate better than I can ever try. They know how you've progressed, they've kept track of it all and they've risked their necks to find times for meetings. They're the true leaders of Antarsía." I stepped down and joined the crowd, facing my two best friends who looked at me with so much confusion. "They deserve this." I added.

"Missy-" Logan started.

"Don't argue with me, Logan." I cut it. "I've decided."

Annabi nodded. "You'll take your place as Alpha One then. Offence."

A group of six cheered and I could distinctly make out some shouts of "We got Missy! We got Missy!"

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"We didn't exactly have the time to learn everyone's name. So we took everyone in the groups and gave them numbers. Pretty cool, right?" Logan said proudly, bumping my shoulder with his.

"So who are you two?" I asked as I took my place amongst the other Alphas.

"Well, you were meant to be Eagle One when you got back but ... erm ..." Logan trailed off, unsure of what to say next.

"Logan's Eagle One. I'm obviously Eagle Two." Annabi said with a grin.

"Why am I One?" Logan protested.

"You're smarter." Annabi retorted.


"Logan." I cut it. "Just take it."

"Okay." he sighed. "Well then Alpha One. It's time for a plan of attack."


Not the best chapter and I'm sorry for the wait but I hope you like it!!

~ D :-)

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