Somethings not right... (ticci toby x reader) Chapter 2

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The first day of school wasn't that bad, I made a friend at least. It was the end of the day and I was ready to go home. I walked to the back of the school cause that's the closest path way to home, but as soon I got closer the more hear insults belonging to another person a head of me. "good for nothing freak!" Immediately with out hesitation I decided to help the person who's getting bullied. It seems to be three guys.I quickly snuck right behind them, making him in alarmed with my presence. "You worthless piece of shit!" With enrage I clench my hand making it to a fist. Hearing their laughter is what made me piss off. "Hey asshole!" I shouted at him before he could react I punched his face causing him to knock out and stumbled and fall. I look back to see the other two boys who were now in fear. I gave  them a cold look and slowly walk up to them making them even more terrified. "Say anything and I'll slit your throats by tomorrow." Of course the last part was just to scare them and it seems to work. I look back to see who was getting bullied and none of the less it was Toby.

(Play video on the top)

"Hey, are you ok? Can you stand? I asked reaching my hand out to make sure he's ok. "Yeah I'm fine" he sounds so calm as if he's not in any pain. "We should take you to the nurse, she's still in the building."
"D-don't bother"
"what why?! Your'e bleeding?!"
"I-I can't feel pain"
Hearing that said I don't know what to react. "Well we still can't let you bleed out to death I can help you at my place, if you want?" I offered him. "Are y-you s-sure?" "Yeah, I don't mind"...

-time skip, you took him at your place and your helping him to recovery-

"So it's called Called Tourette syndrome?" Asked in Curiosity. "Y-yeah, m-most people think that in a freak cause of my god damn t-t-TICS!" i feel pretty bad for him at this point "well... I don't think your a freak "r-r-really my t-tics don't bother you?" He ask with a surprised look on his face. "not at all." I said with a smile on my face "really? T-Thank you." he said with a small smile forming on his face. "Anyways you're all done" he looks at his arms that are now covered with bandages. "Thank you, I should be heading home n-now." for some reason I feel an ache in my chest when he said he was leaving. Right when he put his hand on the handle he stops. "Do you wanna come with m-me? So we can talk?" I've never felt so happy in my life, but why was I so happy? "Sure!" I said with excitement. I don't know why or how he gets me too feel this way.

-time skip you are now walking Toby home-

While walking Toby home was started to talk. "What?! N-no brownies are better that c-c-cupcakes." He exclaimed to set his point straight. "Ok then what about cookies?" The more we talk the more I feel happy. But out of nowhere I felt something grab my hand, it was toby. I look back up at him but only to see him looking at a house. I'm guessing that's his home. His face expression was sad and scared. "Hey? Are you ok?" He snaps out of his thoughts and answers my questions immediately. "Yeah I'm fine" we continue to walk to the entrance of his home and knock the door. His face expression was still the same making me feel worried. Soon enough the door opens. A girl with beautiful blonde hair answers the door. "Toby?! Oh my god we're have you been?!" She welcomes him with a hug. Before he could say anything someone else came. Ruining the sweet moment. "Toby where the hell! have you"Before he could finish his sentence he looks at me. Their was a strong scent of alcohol when he came. "And who are you?" He ask smiling-ly, trying to Change his first impression. I was about to answer until Toby did the talking. "This is [name], she's my friend." His grip tighten my hand in a passionate way. "Well [name] unfortunately Toby has things to do" he pulled Toby in a harsh manner. "Thank you for taking him home and have a good night" before I could say anything he slammed the door right in my face. His dad seems like an asshole in my opinion. Heading my back home, I look at my hand still feeling the grip of Toby's hand that was once o mine. Why did he seem so scared? Anyways till the next day I see him...


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