"I like your voice."

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Betty was playing in the sandpit with her bestest friend Archie, and had never been more bored in her life. While she loved Archie to bits, he was always droning on about soccer and football and everything 5 year old Betty could care less about. While she pretended to listen to Archie's rant about his latest soccer match, mindlessly fisting the sand beneath her, she almost didn't notice the figure creeping up to her. Once she did look up, however, she was immediately stunned.

He wore worn out jeans that were at his ankles, clearly too short, and a black 'S' t-shirt and Betty immediately wondered what it stood for. Atop his head were ebony curls that Betty could guess would be even crazier if not for the grey crown shaped beanie he wore on top of them. One curl managed to escape the binds of his hat and was dangling near his eye. He kept pushing on it so it wouldn't disrupt his eyesight. Moles littered his skin that Betty would later compare to constellations.

Betty stood up and smiled politely. Her mother had raised a child with manners, of course. Archie stood up too and smiled widely at the boy standing in front of them.

"Betts, this is Jughead, he just moved here from the Southside and he's my friend." Betty faltered at the mention of the Southside but held her smile.

"Hi there Jughead, I'm Betty," she held her arm out to shake and he took it, mumbling a few words.

"Sorry, I couldn't hear you," Betty started, inching a little closer, "Can you please repeat that?" He took a deep breath before speaking again.

"'Ello Betty, nice to 'eet you." He said quietly, but just loud enough for her to hear. She noticed white things at his ears, half covered by his beanie. She, as naive as she was, inched closer and pulled his beanie up slightly to reveal them in their entirety, catching them for a second before he pulled his beanie back down to cover them completely, a faint blush forming on his cheeks and narrowing her eyes at her, stepping back.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be nosy," she said quickly, afraid that she had hurt him, before adding in a timid voice, "but if you don't mind me asking, what are they?" The blush on his cheeks grew.

"Hearing aids," he mumbled honestly, "My dad said they help me hear." She suddenly remembered a word she had heard while her father was watching the news the last Sunday.

"Are you deaf?" She suddenly said. He narrowed his eyes further.

"Yes," He said irritatedly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to annoy you," she quipped embarrassingly, "I like your hearing aids, they make you look cool." His blue-green eyes grew brighter at her words.

"Really? Cheryl and Reggie think they're dumb. That's why I hide them."

"Cheryl and Reggie are dumb." Jughead seemed doubtful.

"They said my voice is dumb, that's why I don't speak much. I don't have many friends."

"Well you just got a new friend!" She exclaimed brightly. "I like your voice," she added. His eyes grew even brighter and he smiled widely. Archie had already left them to play football, so they were alone. The bell rang suddenly, and she took his hand and led him toward where their classmates were lining up.

"Come on, Juggie, we shouldn't be late."

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