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Mark sighed has he waited for the younger to pack his things. His mind went back to the contract. 'What if I sold my entire soul, Instead?' He chuckled at the words he heard.
"Selling your soul, eh?" Mark looked at the entrance, seeing Haechan all packed and ready. "I'm ready, Sir."
"Call me Mark or Hyung. I'm only a year older."
"Alright Mark." Haechan said and got inside with his luggage. Mark signalled the driver to drive and watched the Younger. Haechan tugged in his earphones and listened to some music, Fx mostly. The older didn't actually look closely at the younger, he observed his almost perfect innocent features. He really reminded him of someone who he knew. But that's just him probably being dumb and overthinking.
The younger's curly brown locks caught Mark's attention. He liked his face and his hair. He had to admit he's quite handsome for someone who lived on streets all his life.
Haechan saw Mark staring and turned to him. "Do I have something on my face?" "No, but your hair is curly. It's quite cute" Haechan got surprised by the sudden compliment and nodded. "Thanks.."
Soon the two arrived at their destination. Haechan wouldn't be surprised if it's a mansion. However when he saw the mansion he was more then surprised but shocked. The mansion looked like it had at least six parts of it together. Mark looked at the younger and smirked. "Surprised?" Haechan cleared his throat and nodded simply.
The two entered inside and maids immediately rushed over to help with the luggage. Haechan wasn't used to being helped and just refused at first however it would've caused problems and he let the maids handle it. One maid showed Haechan's room which was giant then his old one and it had a bathroom all to himself.
"If you need anything Haechan, ask me" Lily said and walked out. "Thanks Lily.."
The younger grabbed his towel and hair products. He walked over to the shower and took a immediate bath. He reeked of sex..and he hated it. He hated it however he won't be doing that anytime soon...
Haechan groaned as he tried to scrub himself. "Stupid men. I hate men.." He growled and cleaned himself more.
After the shower he got out and went into his pyjamas. He unpacked his luggage and then went to bed. However what he didn't realise was that there was something familiar to him.
He looked over at the symbol which was a red flower. He swore he saw it before however ignored it. "I'm going delusional."
He fell asleep peaceful for once. He didn't need to worry about his back being painful or his ass. He slept in a same position for once instead of sleeping and turning. He happily dreamt of something that wasn't his past.
Mark opened the door a little and checked upon the younger. He looked around to see things unpacked and to see him sleeping. "Hm, he seems settled in." Mark left and shut the door like it was before. He sighed and went to sleep himself in his room next door.