I can tell you what it feels like to lose your everything on a cold night
I can tell you what it feels like to get your heart broken over and over
I can tell you what it feels like to lose 'you' in yourself
I can tell you what it feels like when everything is missing and falling apartBut one day I will tell you what it feels like to overcome all your insecurities
I will tell you how it feels like to fix your heart and your life
I will tell you how it feels like to achieve your goals
Life is too short to live it miserably
But just enough long to turn your dreams into reality
Life is a chance you don't want to miss
It's time you want to use in the best possible way
It's a option you don't want to destroy
And an opprotunity you don't want to let slideSo I will keep my head up, my heart strong and work hard
So I can tell you how beautiful life is,
So I can tell you how much it taught me
So I can tell you I am strong and independentYou, keep your head up so you can tell me the same thing
Let's meet one day and talk about how beautiful our life is, how good we are now and let's tell each other story about falling, fixing, healing and succedingLet's laugh and be proud of ourselves because life is too short for regreting living it