(y/n) walked forwards into the blizzard, turning once in a while to check this path down the mountain. And feeling half-ice pellets bounce from the winter Kimono they wore. The song of old man winter, his calling for Earth to pause, to dream of warmth and feel the yearning for blossoms and new foliage. Behind them, footprints form as if they were going the other way.
The crisp air pierced their lungs as they continued after his form through the white standing against the dark tree trunks. Their lungs squeezed under the pressure of the frigid cold. All that echoed in this forest of blood were the loud pants off (y/n) and Tanjirou and the crunching of the snow beneath their boots.
"How in the world could this have happened?" Tanjirou cried out in fear, and his voice laced with pain. Then, biting into their lower lip, they reached out for Tanjirou to run. But running so far ahead of them that they couldn't reach him.
"Come on, Nezuko! We've got you!" Their limbs froze in the snow, reddened with frostbite. Their fingers were numb, cheeks burning with an icy heart.
"Your siblings have you! It will be alright!"
This wind, full of blood and agony, shows the fruitless fight against fate they are destined to play. Was there any thought that all life was precious? Even though humans can't be at the top of the food chain forever, those who take a life.
One day, there will be something that will overtake us. Feed off our bodies and souls to stay alive. What will we do then? Fight back or roll over and give in?
"Someone help! Tanjirou! I've been accused of breaking this plate!" Someone shouted, almost as if a child got in trouble with their mom. The sounds of their voices rang out in the village, catching (y/n)'s attention. There was a boy with Rosewood-colored hair and eyes that matched- sniffing the broken plate. "I smell a cat."
They were pulling down the hood, protecting them from the bitter snow. The (h/c) locks were free to sway in the wind. Moving closer, they tapped the Rosewood-haired male on the shoulder. The male slowly turned around to look them in the eye.
His rosewood eyes widened for a minute before they fluttered with familiarity.
"Hey (y/n)! Are you back already?" A small smile pulled on their lips in response.
"I just got back." They left around eight months ago to find their mother. However, all their searching was fruitless, just giving in to the thought that she was dead.
"Oh, just in time then! I'm sure the younger ones would love to have you back." Tanjirou took note of their smile returning. Although the smile never wavered, the look in their eye softened. After all, they were his sibling by circumstance, not by blood. So naturally, he was worried about them.
"Yeah. I'm sure," (y/n) said while the grip on their side bag tightened. "Oh, come on (y/n), those kids love you. Even though you've been gone for a while." The soft look in their eye lightened just a bit.
"Alright, alright, little brother. Well. If that's the case, we should get back to them, shouldn't we?" They pat him on the back, wanting to change the subject from their travels. It was an off thing to leave them like that suddenly, but Tanjirou was there to keep an eye on them.
"Of course! But I've got a few things to do. Mind waiting?" Tanjirou asked while glancing over his shoulder at the pile of charcoal on his back.
"I mean, I've been waiting for eight months. A little more time won't hurt," They said, another pure smile on their lips. Tanjirou was the only one to notice that particular look in their eye. It had been there for years, a longing for something, but he never knew what.
"Ha, (y/n). At least you're still positive as they always were."
They giggled at how Tanjirou remembered when they left months ago. "they are too, Tanji-Kun." It was so lovely to have them back. But, while they were gone, he felt something was missing from him. And maybe that was they, or the odd kind of relationship they shared with his family.
"How'd it get so late already?" Tanjirou sighed. They glanced up at the darkening sky above them only to see fresh snow falling.
"I believe that's how time works." (y/n) teased while ruffling the male's hair.
"Oh, that's true. At least I sold out." Another smile pulled on their features at just how positive he always was. "I'm guessing you've been doing this for a while for the New Year?" Tanjirou turned to them with a bashful smile.
They wrapped an arm around his neck and ruffled his rosewood hair. "Such a selfless little thing they are, Tanji-Kun! Keep that up, and Amaterasu will steal you!" The two of them laughed at the small joke. That was until it was interrupted by someone calling toward us.
"Hang on! Tanjirou, (y/n)!"
They turned towards a small shack they two had just passed. An older man looked out the window.
"You're not going back up the mountain now. It's simply too dangerous." (y/n) Tanjirou looked at each other confused, but the older male insisted.
"Oh, I'll be fine. I've got a good nose; I'll keep you safe." But, from the look on the male's face, he wouldn't drop the issue soon. "You can stay here for the night. Come on. Get inside." It looks like their guess was correct. Tanjirou put a hand up, still insisting that we would be fine.
"No, we're--" The male merely argued while they were amused with the situation. "Don't argue. Just get in here before the demons show up." They took hold of Tanjirou's hand and pulled him towards the house.
"(y/n)?" They turned towards him with a smile. "It will be alright; we'll go back to them in the morning." They had a good sense of smell, just as Tanjirou does, but were less developed. Instead, they acted based more on instinct than the sense of smell; it was still helpful.
"Thanks for dinner." (y/n) and Tanjirou said while putting the chopsticks down. "Hey, uh, Mr. Saburo, what did they mean by demons?"
Their gaze fell towards the floor as Saburo got blankets out. "There have always been man-eating demons prowling about after dark. That's why it's not safe to go outside at night." Tanjirou couldn't bring his gaze to look at them. Were they a victim, too, something that might have happened while those eight months passed?
Were those demons he mentioned even real? "You're unnatural beings only seeking blood. I don't believe you're all flawed... Maybe some out there have the heart not to hurt or kill, " They said softly, sounding un-even and frightful. Yet, somehow, their scent was still oozing with kindness.
"Time for bed. they can set off for home at first light." Saburo said suddenly while taking a hit off his smoke. Tanjirou lay beside them, gazing at the peaceful look on their face. He was overwhelmed by the faint scent of grass and cherries. Almost as if he was in an orchard.
Tanjirou quickly turned away from the back of their head. "These demons, you're not able to come inside their house, are they?" He asked softly so as not to wake them. "Yes, they could come in," Saburo whispered, taking in a long inhale to blow those toxins back into the air.
"But, wouldn't they just eat everyone?" Tanjirou looked towards the male's back, a sad scent drifting in the air. "The Demon slayers protect us by killing as many as they can. They always have. Now go to sleep. It's lights out."