Part 3

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After kissing Matt, I pull away and looked at the shocked expression covering his face "Wow." He says out of breath "Sorry." I say with a smile. He then pulls me in for a hug, and hugs me tightly, my phone then vibrates in my pocket causing Matt to separate, I look at my phone and see Nash has texted me; "Where are you? I want to talk to you. I'm sorry." I just put my phone back in my pocket without replying "Who texted you?" Matt asks curiously "Nash." I sigh Matt just looks away "Are you jealous?" I tease him poking his side, and a smile peaks on his face. "I just want you to be mine." Matt huffs "Well I'm yours now." I smirk as I kiss him once again
"I thought you aren't over Nash yet?" Matt asks shocked " Well the truth is I was never over the feelings I have for you" I say quietly "You mean it?" Matt questions with a smirk on his face "Yep." I say as I toss my arms around him "I love you." Matt whispers resting his head on top of mine "I love you too." I say softly with my voice shaking slightly. "Hey you want to stay over tonight?" Matt asks breaking the silence "Sure, but we have school tomorrow." I say with a skeptical expression in my face "Yeah but you can just borrow some of my sisters clothes, come on it'll be fun!" Matt says trying to convince me "Fine." I huff and Matt squeaks with excitement as he runs into the living room and returns with a large stack on DVDs piling them on top of each other "Which one?" Matt smiles "Hmm, what about The Fault in Our Stars I say lifting it up from the pile "Good choice!" He says grabbing my arm and plopping me on the couch before he inserts the movie into his DVD player, he then grabs the remote and jumps beside me and presses play. He grabs the blanket off the side of the couch and covers us both with it and I nuzzle my head onto his chest as he kisses the crown of my head.

Matthew Espinosa ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now