chapter 10 - There in the Disappearing Light

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From 4.13 "The Feast of All Sinners", in the compound, everyone was gathered. Auria, Lindsey, Tory and Freya had placed a sigil on the floor, where Hope, Rae, Emma and Danny were laying unconscious inside. Hayley, Kaylin, Ryan and Luke were kneeling next to the children. Kol, Rebekah, Elijah and Lucien stood around them.

Elijah: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Originals)."

The blue light, the Hollow, was released from Young Hope, Young Rae, Young Emma and Young Danny's bodies, floating above them in the middle of everyone. It was shot into the chests of Kol, Rebekah, Lucien and Elijah, making them all lurch back a little with their arms raised at their sides. The blue light faded as the Hollow was imprisoned in all four of their bodies.

Lindsey: (voice over from 5.08 The Kindness of Strangers) "Hope, Emma, Danny and Madison want to take the power into themselves, and they want Rae, Tory and Lyla to be able to mind control the Hollow, so that they can save the rest of you and finally have the Hollow under control."

From 5.09 "We Have Not Long to Love", in Rousseau's, Hope, Emma, Danny and Madison's eyes were glowing blue. Hope attacked Maia with her power repeatedly, bringing Maia to her knees, throwing her against the bar. Emma made slashing motions with her arms, magically clawing into Maia's body. Danny magically slammed Maia around, throwing her through Rosalita to the floor. Rae and Madison stood side by side, holding hands, releasing psychic/Banshee screams at Rosalita and Maia the same time that Rosalita and Maia released psychic screams at Rae and Madison. The psychic energy threw them all back, making them fall.

Marcel: (voice over from 5.08 The Kindness of Strangers) "And with the Hollow inside them amplifying their power, they think that we'll have enough power to stop Rosalita and Maia."

From 5.09 "We Have Not Long to Love", in the hallway of the compound, Emma sat down, holding her head as she heard deafening whispers that was clearly from more than just the Hollow, holding her head in pain, nearly crying,. Danny was clearly overwhelmed with a sudden hit of visions of what Rosalita seared into his head, his eyes glowing blue, as his magic lashed out and broke a mirror in front of him. He looked at it in shock, not knowing what to do.

Hope: (voice over from 5.09 We Have Not Long to Love) "Ever since we took the power, the whispers, even with Rae, Tory and Lyla's power..."

From 5.09 "We Have Not Long to Love", in the dining room of the compound, at the table with their family, Hope's magic was bending her form without her trying to make it bend. Madison's eyes glowed blue.

Hope: (voice over from 5.09 We Have Not Long to Love)  "We can't think, we can't sleep, we can't even breathe."

From 5.09 "We Have Not Long to Love", in Rousseau's, Nicola sat at the bar.

Lucien slid a glass over to Nicola. "What are you doing here, besides drowning your sorrows and self-loathing and guilt?"

"I'm having more problems than ever controlling the Huntress inside me after what Rosalita and Maia did to me," Nicola answered.

"Why didn't you just ask Tory, Lyla or Rae to help you with mind controlling the Huntress/yourself?" Lucien asked.

"Because they're more worried about helping Hope, Emma, Danny and Madison right now, just like they should be," Nicola answered. "And I'm not putting Tory, Lyla, Rae or anyone else in unnecessary danger again."

From 5.09 "We Have Not Long to Love", in the Quarter, The wolves, Marcel, Noah, Caitlin and Auria were still facing off with Rosalita, Maia and their vampires.

"Are the werewolves really worth dying for?" Maia asked.

"You're damn right," Mikayla answered.

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Auria unleashed a wave of fire down the street, attacking the vampires. The vampires were unfazed, however, and all vanished. Rosalita and Maia disappeared.

"So, what, did they just come here to bluff?" Marcel asked.

Auria shook her head, getting worried. "They wanted to find out what side I was gonna choose. And they wanted to punish me if I chose wrong." She realized that all of the witches were in danger. "I gotta get to the cemetery now."

From 5.09 "We Have Not Long to Love", in the cemetery, All the witches began to choke on the poisoned wine, foaming at the mouth.

Vincent caught Ivy as she fell. "Ivy!"

Absolutely horrified in shock at the witches die in front of her, Auria was furious and desperate, despaired, having to release a scream of frustration and denial, falling to her knees, breathing heavily, dead set on making someone pay.

From 5.09 "We Have Not Long to Love", in the courtyard, everyone was talking.

"Is this the rest of our lives?" Emma asked. "A rage that can only be quieted by violence?"

"But us Davis-Thompsons aren't as violent as you Mikaelsons and Salvatores," Lindsey told them. "And we never wanted to be."

"But it looks like Emma and Danny are gonna have to be at least until we can defeat Rosalita and Maia and be rid of the Hollow for good," Madison pointed out.

"This isn't fair," Ryan told them. "Why would Rosalita and Maia even want to give Danny trauma or get Emma into dark magic?"

"Tory, Rae and Lyla are helping Hope, Emma, Danny and Madison handle it and get a chance to end Rosalita and Maia with the power boost from the Hollow," Nicola told them. "Any chance that it could work?"

"After seeing what they could do against them in Noah and Caitlin's bar, I'd say that Rosalita and Maia's days of being alive or being out and about are numbered," Lucien answered.

Kassandra sighed. "Finally."


Day One

Morning - Abattoir Compound - Courtyard

Kassandra and Lucien, being the strongest out of the vampires, were letting Hope, Emma, Danny and Madison take out their need for violence on them so that the Hollow wouldn't overcome them. Hope, Emma and Danny magically threw them into tables and chairs, making them shatter and making those break as they fell to the floor. Madison let her eyes glow blue as she released a Banshee scream, making Kassandra, Lucien, Emma, Danny and Hope cover their ears.

Lucien stood. "Do it again. Harder this time. Louder for you, Madison. All of that pain, that simmering darkness. You need to purge it before it eats you alive."

"Lucien..." Madison trailed off. "Kassandra..."

"Give us your anger," Kassandra told them. "Release the darkness."

Madison let out another scream to try and let it out.

Hope, Emma and Danny magically threw Kassandra and Lucien into the walls, making them fall. They both stood. 

"It's not working," Danny told them.

"You're holding back," Kassandra told them.

"You really think we want to feel this way?" Emma asked. "No matter how hard we try to get it out, we don't feel any better. You're not the ones we want to hurt."

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