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 Clothes on the floor, a smashed liquor bottle by the door, a sheet wrinkled across the bed  and the room was filled with the fragrance of sweat, tears, liquor  and sex. Yes this was my perfect Sunday morning.The light from the the curtain shined in my half closed eyes, and my body demanded to me to get up.

I looked to my right and the body that was there last night was now gone.

'Maybe he left..' My own anxious thoughts began to worry me, but the sound of the  loud Tv in the living room quickly  snapped me back. 'of course he wouldn't leave'

I slowly got out of bed as my body was tiring to catch up with everything that happened last night.

I reached the Kitchen/living room area and found Bakugou to be making his early morning and very bitter coffee, Just as i expected, nothing had changed and that was good, because nothing needed to be changed everything was perfect as it was.

"Morning" I mumbled softly. He turned around as i sat down at the kitchen table.

"what time is it?"

"It's Twelve, you slept like a damn rock I've been up for at least five hours"

"well not everyone's a workaholic like you"

I earned a small smirk and chuckle  from him and watched him pour another cup of coffee but this time in a different cup "I figured you'd be tired after last night" He handed it to me and i took it and nodded "Oh yeah thanks." I took little sips of it not really being a big coffee drinker though i notice he added some sugar to it, which made the drink a little more enjoyable.

Bakugou sat across from me with his computer on the table and coffee in near reach.

"whats on the agenda today, finishing the essay?" I tried leaning over the table to get a better look at his computer screen.

"No i finished that this morning i'm looking at houses right now" 

"Houses?" I looked at  him blankly but yet again his eyes stayed focus on the screen.

"yeah i'm trying to move more into the city"

"But why don't you have everything here?"

"Yeah but-" he paused and looked at me for a quick second. His eyes told me me there was something on his mind. "My mom offered me a job at her office and where we're at right now it's at least a two hour drive out there."

 the emotions from yesterday riled back up so many questions i had for him, and just as i thought everything had gotten back to normal just as i thought our perfect non-existent relationship was being put back together he comes at me with some bullshit like this, i wanted to scream again but but in the heat of me trying to keep my emotions and line and stop myself from crying i didn't instead i tried to keep my voice as calm as i could."So when the  did you plan on telling me all this?"

"Well i just made my mind this morning, i went to a meeting yesterday when you had your little temper tantrum." He laughed in my face and acted like my question wasn't even important, hell he didn't even completely answer it. Acting so nonchalant the complete opposite of what they called him in high school.

"So just give a damn about me huh?" i whispered looking at him sternly 

he chuckled devilishly, sarcastic "Here's this bullshit again, come on Eijiro cut that out already" his eyes and hands back to his computer "if you keep pulling yourself into nonsense you'll end up drowning.."

A silent cry.(Bakushima/Kiribaku)(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now