A/N:alright so here is the prologue of the story hope you all enjoy it.
Aleon a regular 15 year old boy with a not so great life,you see he was an orphan he grew without a family to take care of him so he grew up learning to survive and manage to find a normal job and he always wish to have something happens interesting life to his life little do he know his wish is about to be granted.(Aleon POV)
Aleon:*sigh* another boring day.
I was walking down the street after finishing the paperwork my boss gave to me and here I am silently walking down the street when called.
?????:hey young man.
When I look for the one who called me I saw an old man with a cane.
Aleon:uh yes Mister.
??????:can I ask you something young man?
??????:alright then if you where given the chance to have a wish what would it be?
I stared at the man after giving me a weird question but I immediately spoke to him.
Aleon:I would like to become the God of the Omniverse.
??????:what I surprising answer why did choose that kind of answer?
Aleon:because I look to seek adventure and travel around different universe and help those who are in danger
???????:haha an amazing answer young man your shall be then granted.
Before I could question him my vision began to darken and when I woke up I was face to face with a beautiful woman that could make Gods fight each other for her love and she suddenly spoke in a beautiful feminine tone.
????;Welcome Creator I am your personal assistant Lillie Pandora if your wondering what happened then you have become the God Of The Omniverse.
Aleon:so it was all real?
Lillie:yes Creator.
Lillie:Creator there is something I should tell you.
Aleon:What is it?
Lillie:since you still have no control over your powers you need to fall asleep for a very long time but to you it will just a few minutes and also can Activate your Evolution Drive to increase your power more Creator even if you have unlimited power it will still continue to grow stronger so shall we begin Creator?
Aleon:alright then activate it and inform me when I wake up then.
Lillie: As you wish Creator.
And with that I immediately fell asleep it wasn't long when Lillie woke me up.
Lillie: Creator the process has been complete.
Aleon: how long did I sleep.
Lillie:you have been asleep for 989 Nesulition years.
Aleon:can you show me the how many zero does it have.
Aleon: well that is very very long how about my power level?
Lillie: it has increase by 999x Terrazillion.
Aleon: well that's a lot.
Lillie:Creator your more powerful than the first Creator sir.
Aleon:really? what happened to him after I became the new one.
Lillie:he has fuse with you sir so you will receive a huge amount information by now.
Aleon:what do you me-aaaghh.
I was then bombarded by a huge amount of information after 2 minutes it finally stop.
Aleon:OK now I understand,thats a lot of information I got there Lillie where are we.
Lillie:we are in the Macroverse where infinite of Omniverses can be seen sir.
Aleon:well then teleport me to Dxd verse 10 years before the great war.
Lillie:right away sir.
(Timeskip 9 years and 3 months later)
9 years ago the devils, angels, and fallen discovered a hidden species that they have never seen before who called them selves Pokemon's in the continent known as Zeron at first they tried to capture them because even the most weakest of there kind has the power to rival 3 Ultimate Class Devils however that didn't went well when the Pokemon God Recrorium showed up after seeing one of it's Creation being attacked he was immediately angered and he attack the 3 factions almost half of there population where destroyed this showed them that the power he posses completely surpasses even Great Red,Ophis, and Trihexia combine this made the Factions and all supernatural to not mess with them when Ophis challenge Recrozrium but was immediately defeated and she didn't even manage to scratch him and now here we are now where are little friend is sitting in a huge throne.
(Aleon POV)
It has been 9yrs since I arrived here in and now here I am observing what is going on within the 3 Factions but suddenly the door to my throne opened revealing my lovely wife Lillie.
Lillie:good morning honey.
Aleon:good morning my beautiful wife how are you feeling?
And if your wondering how she became my wife well during my stay here Lillie and I slowly began to have feelings with each other until we confess our love to each other and 2yrs ago we got married.
Lillie:I'm alright but do you know what today is?
Aleon:of course I do after all I I promise to you yesterday.
Lillie:really then let's go then my dear husband.
Lillie then pulled me out of my throne eager to go visit the human world I immediately teleported us in Kyoto.
Around us where ancient Japanese buildings and architectures while we were walking felt walking through a barrier and when we pass through we both saw many youkai walking around.
Aleon:so where do you want to look around.
Lillie: let's go over to that store.
Timeskip 1 hour later
After shopping i teleported all the things Lillie bought and we then went for a walk and when I saw a perfect clearing I immediately spoke to Lillie.
Aleon:how about we go over there.
I pointed to a nearby a lake with a tree to sit under.
Lillie:ok that spot looks perfect to rest on for a while.
We went under the tree and sit under and I summoned a blanket to sit on and some food to eat.
Aleon:would you like some Lillie?