Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Jason’s POV

            I was on my way back to the pack house when I smelled rouge. But it was somewhat different to the normal smells of rouge. Charging onto the road ahead of it, I watched as a bike came racing towards me. I was surprised to see a girl driving it. I thought she was going to hit me, but she slammed on her breaks and went flying. I could see the shock on her face, but I could also see that her eyes were red and swollen.

            She’d been crying. For some reason, the thought of her crying made my wolf, Tanner, mad. I watched as she flew into a tree. Rushing towards her, I kneeled beside her. Brushing my hand across her cheek, I jerked it back when I felt the jolt of electricity hit my fingers. I let a breath out when I saw that she was still breathing. Linking with the alpha and doc, I picked her up and starting running for the house. I asked the alpha to send someone back for her bike.

            I kicked the door open. As I ran through the house, several of the members let out a growl, but stopped when I glared at them. They lowered their heads and apologized softly. Stepping into the makeshift hospital, I laid her on the bed and stepped back so Dr. Keith could check her out. James, my alpha and also my best friend, stepped up behind me. “Where did you find her?”

            “She was driving a cycle. I stepped out in front of her. I swear James that I only did that so she would stop. I didn’t mean for her to get hurt. The roads were just too wet. She lost control of her bike and she went flying. She hit a tree pretty hard.” I take a deep breath, not taking my eyes off of her face.

            “You’re not going to believe this James, but when I touched her, I felt sparks. Her scent’s driving both Tanner and I crazy. How can this be? I lost my mate two years ago. I thought we didn’t get another mate.”

            “I’ll have to ask the council about this. But I’d say based on what you told me Jace that the girl is your mate. All I ask is that you don’t do anything foolish until I’ve spoken with them.”  He says quietly and I nod. Keith gets my attention and I step forward. “What is it doc?”

            “That girl is lucky to be alive. Her shoulder was dislocated, six ribs were broken and one of them was almost in her lung. She wasn’t wearing a helmet was she?”

            “I didn’t see one on her or around the bike.”

            “She’ll be unconscious for a while. But what she needs right now is rest and lots of it.” I nod at him and he leaves. I sit beside her bed and hold her hand. I take in everything about her face. She is breathtaking. She’ll make it won’t she Tanner?

            I believe she will make it Jason. I can feel her wolf and she’s strong. She’ll be alright.  I nod and sit back. Never in my life had I heard of a wolf getting another mate. I smile when I look at her. If it was true though and she was my mate, there was no way I’d let her go.

Tyler’s POV

            I open my eyes as I feel a soft breeze play with my hair. Looking around, I’m surprised to see that I’m in the little clearing behind my house. Hearing voices coming from near the willow, I walk through the curtain. There sat my brother and a blonde haired girl. I clear my throat and they both turn around.

            When Sam sees me, he jumps to his feet and rushes towards me pulling me into a bear hug. “Tyler, what are you doing here?” He asks me confusion thick in his voice. “I don’t know bro. The last thing I remember was that I was riding The Beast, something jumped in front of me and I was flying through the air.” His face lights up at the mention of his beloved bike.

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