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The living room was very quiet, Jason was walking to and fro soliloquizing while Tyler was following his movement with his eyes.

"Is Diane going crazy?" Tyler questioned all of a sudden.

Jason stopped and glared at him for few seconds, he later ignored him and his question and went back to his previous act.

"Do you think we should let her see a psychiatrist?" Tyler questioned again. "I think that is the best solution now."

Within the blink of an eye, Jason was standing before Tyler with fury. "If you don't keep that mouth of yours shut..."

Pixie walked into the living room, when she saw the guys, she immediately went to their midst, stopping them from doing anything silly.

"Are you guys for real?" She question. "You think fighting is the best solution now? Diane is in a critical situation, and you guys want to put up a fight?"

Jason relaxed. "I'm sorry, I'm just worried," he replied, looking sober. "I'm sorry."

"No problem, I understand," Tyler said. "How's she?" He asked Pixie.

"She's sleeping," Pixie replied.

Jason ran his hands through his untidied hair, he sat on one of the sofa.

"What are we going to do Jason?" Pixie asked.

Suddenly, Jason stood to his feet and walked towards the exit door after taking his car keys.

"Where are you going?" Tyler questioned.

"To find a solution." He walked out.


First, Diane's left eye opened followed by her other eye. The brightness of her room hit her eyes and she shut them immediately. After few seconds, she gradually opened them and stood up, walking into the bathroom. She washed her face and examined it well in the mirror before her. Satisfied with her look, she returned to the bedroom.

She gasped immediately she stepped her legs into the room. "What are you still doing here?"

"Meaning?" Lila questioned.

Diane walked up to her. "I thought I told you leave."

"And why would I do that?" Lila questioned again.

Diane walked closer to her. "You are of no use to me. You just keep following me with no benefit. You said you want to help me but instead you keep ruining everything, you're useless Lila," Diane ranted. "You're nothing but a burden."

Lila was shocked. "I wasn't expecting this from you Diane."

"Well, as I said earlier, leave me alone," Diane said. "And don't ever let me set my eyes on you again."

"But Diane, I'm here to help..."

"I've heard enough of that lie," Diane cuts in. "Go and find someone else to feed that lie. Who knows if that's how you died, lieing to everyone."

Lila moved away from her. "Enough Diane, I try to help you but what did I get in return,..."

"I don't need your help," Diane cuts in again. "I was living a normal life before you came in. Now my friends think I'm going crazy."

"You call 'hiding yourself ' a normal life?" Lila questioned.

"Just leave Lila," Diane ordered.

"You're really telling me to leave?"

"And never return," Diane added. "I've endured enough."

"Fine, I'll leave, but very soon, you'll wish I was still very much around." With that, Lila vanished into thin air.

Diane sighed deeply and walked out of the room.

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