Lauren's pov;
I was their toy. There was no other way to describe it. But these kids were organised. They didn't fight over me; they had a schedule and I mean a written schedule. Each one of them had a certain about of time to do whatever they wanted with me except physically hurt me. They even hung up the schedule on the wall so I could read it.
I never imagine getting kidnapped until I got with Camila and in all honesty, this is not what I imagined. Obviously, I was locked up in a room but there was no beating or any physical contact at all.
I was currently sat crossed legged on the floor surrounded by four girls, one of them doing my makeup to teach the other three.
"You have really nice eyes Lauren" Cerys said as she applied a bit more mascara. I slightly smiled "Thanks" I mumbled. The pink haired girl sat back and smiled at me "You're nervous, why's that?" She asked with curiosity written across her face. I gulped as I looked down at my hands that were placed in my lap.
"I-I mean like c-can you blame me" Cerys smiled at me and shook her head "No I can't blame you; I'd be terrified too if I was in your position". I looked back down at my hands again as the room fell into silence. "You're also confused, aren't you?" I looked up and her and nodded my head. "About what exactly?"
"I just don't understand why you're nice to me" She ran a hand through her hair as she sighed.
"To be honest Lauren, us four and a couple of others don't want you here" I frowned and tilted my head a bit "Why not?"
"Because Gary has this stupid vendetta against Camila over something that happened awhile back, and he wants revenge or some bullshit like that" One of the other girls said.
"What had happened?" The girls all looked at each other and then back to me "We would tell you but apparently Gary wants Camila to tell you when she gets here, another part of his stupid plan" Cerys said as she rolled her eyes.
"So, you're nice to me because you think this whole thing is stupid?" I asked while I looked at the girls.
"Basically, ya but some of us have other reasons" "Like what?" I asked intrigued.
"Well for instance us four grew up in the system so we never really had an older sister to look up to or for them to teach us how to do make up, so we see you as a sister in a way. The ones who made you read to them never had an affectionate family, so they never got a bedtime story."
"What about the others?" She frowned slightly "What do the others do? Do, they hurt you?" I shook my head "No not physically but they say things".
I watched as she looked at her shoes and back up at me again "Let me guess they say stuff like -Camila doesn't love you, she was just using you for sex, she never loved you-?" I nodded my head and smiled sadly "Yup".
"Just ignore what they say, ok?" One of the youngest looking ones said, "I know for a fact Camila loves you" I scoffed "How can you be so certain?" She hesitated before saying "Because we've been watching you two for a good few months and anyone could see how in love you two were even when ye tried to hide It".
I want to believe her; I want to believe every single word that came out of her mouth, but the things that the other guys said always seemed to overtake any good thought about Camila. I know it's a terrible thing to think, but when someone tells you the same things every day the words start to slowly sink in no matter how many times you try to stop them.
Our conversation soon ended when the door was bust open and in came a tall, lanky teenager who had a pierced lip. "Times up" Cerys packed up her makeup and stood up "See you next time" She said before walking past the guy and out the door.
Once all the four girls were gone the freckled face boy walked over to me and then crouched down. He leaned in and so his face was centimeters away from mine and whispered, "Good night princess". He had an evil grin on his face as he got back up and left the room, locking the door behind him.
I let out a breath of air that I didn't even realize I was holding as I leaned my back against the cold concrete wall.
When I first spent the night here, I couldn't sleep. Every time I heard a small noise I would jump and back my self into the corner as if it was going to protect me. When the door opened the next morning, Gary came in with food and new clothes. I was skeptical about the food at first, thinking he drugged it but once the hunger started getting to me, I risked it and soon found out it was ok.
That first week was an emotional roller coaster. Nearly every night I cried myself to sleep, thinking that something bad had happened to Camila and that's why she hasn't come to rescue me yet. Or at the thought that maybe my family is dead because they didn't do what Gary told them to do.
For that first week I blamed myself. I blamed myself because it was my fault for not listening to Camila or not even seeing the consequences of what would happen. Back then I always thought she was exaggerating over the whole situation about these guys but now that I'm sitting in the room of an abandoned place, I realized how serious she was.
Now who do I blame? Camila. When the thought of blaming Camila first came into my head, I thought about something else because I knew I played a part in this too. But the more time those guys visited the stronger that thought got.
Why do I blame Camila? Because she knew the consequences better than anyone. She had a similar situate with her Dad and sister, yet she was still selfish enough to drag me into this mess.
Being alone with my thoughts for a good few hours every day is slowly going to drive me insane. Especially the silence in the room. The only time you hear a noise is when the door opens or when people outside laugh out loud.
I wonder if this is how Camila felt when she was in here for the few months. Completely alone. Even though I still get those visits from the people and the girls, I still can't help but feel this whole inside of me that I can't seem to fill up.
Even though I still blame Camila for this I still miss her. I miss her smile, her touch, her laugh and mainly her voice. 'Jesus Lauren get it together' I thought as I felt my eyes water at the thought of Camila.
I wonder if she's out looking for me. Searching every part of the city to find me. Or maybe when she found out I was missing she didn't care at all. Maybe she didn't even realize I was gone until someone pointed it out.
I groaned out loud at all the thoughts that were rushing through my mind. Those boys are really getting into my head. Every time they come and visit me, I try and block out their words but somehow, I always end up listening to them. There would always be a certain word or a sentence that would capture my attention and then I would end up listening to them until they leave.
I let out a breath of air as I lay down on my makeshift bed. I let a tear fall onto my face as images of Camila flashed through my mind.
"Don't stop loving me Camila, please".
A//N;; As usual i went MIA but i had some things to sort out. Also sorry for dragging these few chapters out so much. Thanks for being patient

Total Opposites
FanfictionCamila comes from a rough life with some bad people included . After the incident when she was 15 she has went down a wrong path . But will Lauren help her out of the darkness , or will Camila push her away . *⚠️Trigger warnings in some chapters⚠️*