*Y/n POV*
It had been three days since I had banished the King of Lihnea, and I sat at my desk, reading over a letter I had received earlier today.
Natasha had sent this for me, informing me that a trade agreement between her and the Franks had been reached, and that the Franks would be sending someone to meet with me soon. It read:
"Dear King Y/n L/n,
To say that I am surprised with you as a king is an understatement. You have managed to not only end the most disastrous trade deal that we previously had and begun the process of creating a new, more ambitious trade deal.
As of writing this, I have concluded negotiations with the Franks and have reached a trade deal that is mutually beneficial. The negotiator is now going your way, and should be there shortly after this letter reaches you. My letter may be faster than I imagine though, my mail carriers are the fastest in the Union.
Anyhow, I wish you luck with the trade deal. I found the negotiator very agreeable, and I have a feeling you will as well.
On a more personal note, I hope you're doing well in health. Being the Emperor of the Regulus Union, or even just the King of Regulus, is bound to be very stressful for you. Be sure to take care of yourself.
Your ally and friend,
Natasha Elfrau, Duchess of Elfrau"
I let out a sigh and leaned back in my chair, placing my feet on my desk to balance myself. I found myself thinking back to my home, the doctor, and everything else I had left behind.
My first thoughts were of the town. What had happened since I left? What did everyone I had known my whole life think of me now?
My second thoughts were of Camie and her family. How were they doing? I hope the farm is doing well. Of course, they would be okay no matter what, everyone knew they could survive anything.
Of course, my last thoughts belonged to my surrogate father, the Doctor. Knowing him, the barn has most likely burned down at this point, since I was gone. The house was soon to follow. Thinking of that brought me to my deal with him.
Two weeks had passed since I had become king. That meant two weeks were left until I had to chose whether to stay here in Regulus or return home.
Home... Lord Zeal, I can remember every inch of the place. Every field, every building, every road, and everything in between. Only two weeks and I would have to choose whether to go back to that life, or stay here.
There was a knocking at the door, snapping me out of my thoughts and back into reality. I stood up and walked to the door, opening it to see Ellie standing there, hands held behind her back.
"Y-your highness," She said, bowing, "The negotiator from Francia has arrived. Shall we show him to the guest's room?"
"Yes, of course," I replied, "See to it that he is comfortable. Inform him that I will meet with him shortly."
"Of course, your highness."
She stood straight and began to turn away, before I stopped her.
"Ellie," I said, "Are you okay? Nothing wrong?"
"No, of course not," She said, "I've been wonderful, your highness, thank you."
"When we're in private," I replied, "You can refer to me as Y/n. There's no need to be so formal."
"Okay then," She said, "T-thank you, Y/n."
She turned bright red and turned around, almost running down the hall. I let out a sigh and turned back into my office, preparing myself for the negotiations.

My Kingdom: A Male Reader Story
FanfictionCome friends, and let me tell you a tale of a world of fantasy, a world of magic, and a world of...harems. Yep, we're still on Wattpad. Anyway, this is the story of the great king Y/n, of the Regulus Empire. This empire, one of the most powerful in...