Hey Babe. (56th Chapter)

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… The Next Day (In the Afternoon)…

Melody's POV:

I lay under the sun-rays, just as I enjoy the company of Anne with me. Harry went to the garage along with Niall, to repair his bike; earlier today. Anne and I talked a lot about ourselves to each other. She mentioned the conversation she had with Harry last night, and I couldn’t help myself from splashing my smile.

When I woke up earlier today, Harry was asleep but his face seemed to be glowing somehow. I think the talk from last night made him clear his conscience at last. “Love, its beautiful out here. And my god this mansion is like Lady Diana’s palace.” I giggle at Anne’s words, admiring her amazement of my house. “Anne? Could I ask you something?” She nods, still smiling at me. “I was just wondering, did you go to college or to a university?”

I can’t see her eyes since they are covered with sunglasses, but I sense her hesitation.“Well, I went to a community college, and thankfully I managed to graduate while I was pregnant with Harold in the sixth month. I was majoring in public relations and international affairs. But, sadly, I never had the chance to work in my field. Harold took all of my time, and his father and I fought a lot during that time. Why do you ask though, child? Are you having any concerns about your own studies? I’m glad to help if I could?”

 I shake my head at her, and admire her complete honesty. “Actually, I’m happy to know that you are. I was thinking that … (I pause to breathe) you might like to be in charge of one of my business companies?”

She takes off her sunglasses, and I stare at her wide eyes from the astonishment. Before I hear her reply, I proceed with my explanation: “I love having you here, and so does Harry I’m sure. So why would you go back to England? Your job as an accountant back there, isn’t helping you a lot. Here, you could stay with us, and you could even produce your own salary, which will be ten times more than the one in England. I guess I’ll even ask Harry to work in one of the companies, but I’m afraid of his response.” 

She fixes her sit, and I stretch out to sit on my chair, making sure that we both face each other. “I would love to more than anything in this world, but I’m not sure Harry will accept, child.” I furrow my eyebrows and she sighs.

“Why though?” I ask her, while she rubs her temple to ease off the reply: “Harry hasn’t actually had the chance to finish his own studies. It was a shame though, I really wanted him to have a degree and make a professional career for himself. He, like me, had a great interest in the business field. But when Des and I left each other; Harry dropped out from his college so we could save what’s left with our life expenses…” My heart pounds faster, knowing the drastic life of Harry.

Before I could have a saying in this, Anne and I hear the gates opening.
 “Please don’t tell him I told you about this, he doesn’t really like us talking about that phase, love. The last time we both did, he got drunk and ran away.” Harry drunk? How? I recall clearly that he knows how to handle his alcohol. 

“Hey babe (He then looks at his mom, and nods at her in politeness) Mum.” Harry waves at me, and I change my expression to an instant smile. If only I can convince him somehow to finish his studies.

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