Chapter Five:
It got dark too soon, at only five at night. The Night cold bit at my fingertips and I shook. Sasha was afraid we weren’t going to make it, although we had not been gone a day, let alone long enough to die. She whimpered and cuddled into her fur, trying to warm herself when in reality it was I who was freezing. I was afraid to stop at another Gas Station, because I feared I would forget what I was doing.
I’m cold, Sasha murmured over and over. She paced around and growled. I sighed and walked quicker, are we going to die?
No, we aren’t. We left at 12 in the afternoon. It has been five hours. I told her, irritated. Don’t think about dying yet. We must be almost there. In addition, with that, I knew we were. Sudden confidence calmed the freezing in my fingertips and I quickened my pace.
Why are you so confident? Sasha asked, her voice sad and confused, I mean, the devil woman may have been lying. I have heard of people who do that She was quiet for a moment, I hate when the do that, it is so untrustworthy.
No duh. Was all I wanted to say?
Another hour passed and I saw the cliff. There wasn’t much to see of course but a tree. I frowned. Sasha whimpered. She couldn’t see my sister. We couldn’t see anyone. That isn’t right, I murmured. The old woman said she was here!
People lie, Sasha said, trying to comfort me but failing miserably. Maybe she lied to me. It wouldn’t be the first time someone lied to us. She pondered. Maybe someone put her up to it.
I snorted, “I doubt it,” I said, too lazy to think it. Truth was, we’d been lied to by many people and we also lied a bunch. If we had been entirely honest, however, we would be in an orphanage or a mental institution because of us ‘believing’ we were werewolves. Would that be bad? At least Naomi would be with me at least.
Do you think Naomi is really here? Sasha asked her voice very small. She was afraid for our sister and she had a right to be. Even though it’d only been over a week, it has felt like many years have passed in our search. What if she went back to the abandoned house?
“What if she hadn’t?” I asked, wishing I could see her face. “What if she fell down the cliff?” I pictured a mangled Naomi, spread-eagled all over the grass. Blood was seeping from the multiple cuts on her face. Sasha hid behind her paws whimpering. She begged me to stop and reluctantly, I obliged. “We need to know what the worst that can happen.”
In addition, the worst that can happen is that she dies? By falling off a cliff? Sasha questioned, dangerous like. She was angry that I could imagine Naomi dead.
“Let’s measure how deep it is,” I suggested, already moving forward, “If it isn’t that deep, maybe we could see Naomi!”
She shuddered, what do we do if we do find her?
“I don’t know Sash. Bury her?”
She grunted, disgusted. That is barbaric. Too barbaric for our sister. She imagined a funeral and shivered. I don’t know what I would do. Cry and burn it, maybe,
“Burn it?” I asked, yelping. Now I imagined Naomi smouldering. It didn’t seem very great. “But I want to be able to see her…”
If you bury her, she will be eaten by worms, I will have you know. Sasha growled, matter-of-factly. She imagined a Naomi being eaten by worms.
“OKAY!” I yelled, “Enough with the imagining please”
She snorted, humorless, Fine.
“Okay. The devil lady said there would be a guy that I thought was my friend.” I said, back on subject. “Who may that be?”
“Maybe me.” A boy’s voice called out from a cave not far off. It was James. A boy I was dating (In other words, an Ex-Boyfriend). He had black hair and equally dark eyes that were always hidden underneath a ball cap for some baseball team I have never heard of.
“James…?” I asked, drawing out my confusion. He grinned when I said his name, and took a step closer to me. I backed away with every step he took forward. “What are you doing here?”
“Did you not listen to Mabel’s beautiful prophecy?” James asked, darkly. He was still smiling like an idiot and I whimpered. “I am number One. Numero Uno.”
“You are my friend!” I protested. “I knew you were my friend! Not thought you were my friend.”
“You were never my friend.” James snarled, “You lied to me about what you are. You aren’t even truly human!” He growled, “True I have lied too but I thought it was for your own good!”
“What do you mean you lied?” I asked my voice dangerously low. “What lie did you tell?”
“I am the same as you.” He said, promptly, as though I should have already known. “A Werewolf. A mindless killing machine.” He stopped, consumed by crazy laughter.
“I don’t kill people!” I yelled, “And your wolf wouldn’t want you to kill either! He just wants his mate!”
He laughed again. “I already have my mate. She…” He frowned slightly, “Rejected me for who I truly am…this!”
I growled, Sasha was getting restless and that made me restless too. We should kill him. We are supposed to anyways.
No, I said, we need information.
She groaned what information? You cannot possibly get any good answers out of someone who wants to kill us.
You’re absolutely…WRONG! I snapped at her, making her cringe. I knew him. I know the real him. I can get him out of this fake.
You are too soft, Skye. Sasha muttered, shaking her head, you have to learn to give up and fight.
“James. I know you’re there.” I crooned, softly, “This isn’t you. I met the real you. The happy you. Don’t choose this monster over…” I didn’t know what to say. Trailing off, I kept my eyes on his, waiting for a reaction.
“I am James.” He said, coldly, but I swear I heard a waver in his tone. “I didn’t choose anything. This monster-” He sneered, mocking my words, “-chose me. I am smart. Alec likes me.”
“Alec? IS that what your wolf’s name is?” I asked, curious. Sasha heard of Alec somewhere before and I was just stalling, trying to let her do her mind work. “An interesting name I would say.”
Sasha gasped, He’s a murderer! I remember! HE KILLED MY PARENTS! A roar rippled through her and she leapt forward, taking over.
James grinned, “FINALLY!” He yelled, “it’s getting fun!” Then he too shifted as he readied himself for battle.
Hey everyone....sorry it has taken too long to update BUT I was waiting for more questions and when I didn't get them...I was like WHATEVA. You can still ask them and I will answer. For now, here is the question I was asked.
Sam30085 asked: Do you know when you will finish the story?
I say: Not at the moment no. I have only gotten to the first person that Skye has to fight