Chapter 12

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Dean runs to the top of the stairs were Cas was and Sam ran to me. "Hey, Holly, can you hear me?" Sam said. I couldn't move, or see anything or say anything. I just stayed there in shock. "Dean!" Sam yelled. Dean came running down the stairs. "Holly? Come on, you need to stay with me." Dean says. "Sam, take her to her room, I'll get her an ice pack and a brace," Dean said. Sam nodded and he picked me up and carried me to my room. Sam opened the door to my room, walked in and turned on the light. He laid me down on my bed. Everything was still blurry and the ringing faded but I still couldn't hear that well. I think I was almost about to pass out but Sam kept me awake. Dean came back with an ice pack and a bandage. Dean handed the bandage to Sam and he wrapped it around my leg that Michael broke. I didn't realize it but I was breathing heavily. "Calm down," Sam said putting his hand on my face. "She's burning up," Sam said to Dean. "Hey, Holly?" Sam said. I looked at Sam. "Try and get some rest." Sam said. I wanted to say something but I couldn't so I just nodded. Sam removed his hand from my face. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Sam got up and walked out the door with Dean. Dean left but Sam stayed at the door, just staring at me. Sam then turns out my light and closes the door. I woke up, everything was blurry but it faded, I could hear too. I got up and I had to hold onto something so I went directly to my wall and followed it until I got to my door. I opened the door and left my room. I walked to the main hallway. I got to the end of the hallway and I see Sam and Dean sitting at the table. Sam looks at me and Dean turns around and looks at me. I just stood there, still in pain. "Holly?" Sam said while getting up and walking over to me. "Where is Cas?" I said. But then before Sam could say anything someone just appears. He looked young like he was 18 years old. "I don't know but he is alive." The person said. I looked over at him. "Jack?" Dean said. Jack smiled. He walked over to me. "Hi, I'm Jack. I'm your brother." Jack said. I looked at him confused. "I don't have a brother," I said. "Well, I'm your half-brother," Jack said. He smiled. "How do you know Cas is alive?" Sam asked. "I can just feel it, I know he is alive, but he's weak," Jack said. "How do we get Cas back?" Dean asked. "I don't know, but when he gets some of his strength back he will use angel radio to contact either Holly or me," Jack explained. "And how do you know this?" I asked. "Because I radioed to him to do that," Jack said. "Oh, okay," I said. We waited several days to get something from Cas but there was nothing. At this point, I didn't know if he was dead or alive. Dean was starting to get more stressed, he got angry at the littlest of things and would throw things across the room and would scream at us.That night, Sam was making dinner for some reason, Jack and I walked in and got some drinks. Sam finished cooking and turned off the stove. He put the food on the plates, Jack and I were putting the drinks on the table when we hear a loud ear-piercing screech, we both fell to the floor. "Holly Jack!" Sam yelled while running over to us. Jack and I covered our ears as the noise continued. "DEAN!" Sam screamed for. Dean came running in. "Hey hey hey, what's going on?" Dean said as he went on his knees to check on Jack and me. The screech stopped. Jack and I started breathing heavily. "What the hell was that?" Dean said. "Angel radio... They know where Castiel is." Jack said. Sam and Dean helped Jack and I get up. "And I know where he is," I said. "You do?" Sam asked. "Yeah," I said. "We need to go quickly before the angels get to him first," Jack said. "Okay then, get some gear, we leave in 5 minutes," Dean said. We all left the kitchen and grabbed some supplies, I grabbed a flashlight and my angel blade. We all met in the main room. "Have everything we want to bring?" Sam asked. We all nodded. "Alright then, let's go save Cas!" Sam said. We all ran out of the bunker. We got to the Impala and went in, Sam and Dean were upfront, Jack and I were in the back. "So where is this place exactly?" Dean asked. Jack and I looked at each other. "We don't know exactly where Cas is but we can sense him," Jack said. "Okay just tell me where to go," Dean said. Jack gave Dean the directions to where Castiel is. We were driving on an empty road. "I can feel him... he's close." I said. I then had a vision. I could see Castiel getting killed. "Holly?" I could hear Jack say. "What?" Dean said. "I think she is having a vision." Jack said. "Hold on, I'm going to see what she is seeing." Jack continued. Jack touched my forehead and his eyes glowed a yellowish orange, he could then see what I was seeing. The vision stopped. "Dean drive faster!" I said. Dean drove faster, over 100 mph. I could feel him, it was stronger now. "Turn!" Jack yelled, and in a split second Dean looks to the right and sees an open road, he turns down the road, we learned to the left since we were turning hard. "Try and give me a warning next time." Dean said. "Sorry." I said. We kept driving for 2 minutes. "There!" I said pointing at an old warehouse. Dean pulled into the warehouse, and outside of the door, Sarah was there. I quickly got out of the car and ran over to Sarah. "Sarah! What are you doing here?" I said. "I'm trying to find Cas." She said. Sam, Dean, and Jack walked over to us. "Who is she?" Dean asked. I looked back at them and saw Sam and Dean confused and Jack... it looked like he already knew her. "Sam, Dean. This is my sister, Sarah." I said. "Wait... Castiel's Daughter?" Dean asked. "Yeah..." I said. "Geez, how many children does he have?" Dean said. "3," Jack said. "Sarah you need to go it's not safe for you to be here." I said. Sarah looked at me, I could tell she didn't want to leave, I didn't know what to say or do. "Sarah, we don't know if we will make it out alive, we all might die. Your family-" Jack said but got cut off. "No, they are not my family... you are," Sarah said. "Sarah, your parents, they don't want you getting killed." Jack said. "Sarah I don't want anything to happen to you." I said. "Alright, I'll stay back... but if you're not back in 20 minutes, then I'm going in." Sarah said. "Okay," I said. "We ready?" Jack asked. "Yeah," Sam said. "Wait... hold on," Dean said. Dean walked to the back of the Impala and opened the trunk, he opened this black case, and in the case were 2 blades. "Holly, Jack, take one." Dean said. Jack and I both grabbed the blades. "What are they?" Jack asked. "They are archangel blades." Dean explained. "Where did you get these?" I asked. "Uh, Gabriel gave them to me." Dean said. "Who's Gabriel?" I asked. "He's an archangel." Dean said. "Oh, okay." I said. I hid the blade so it was out of sight but it was still on me. Sarah agreed to stay either in the Impala or be close to it. Dean was about to close the trunk but I stopped him. "Hold on," I said. "What?" Dean said. "Just in case something bad happens," I grabbed one of the guns and handed it to Sarah. "Do you know how to shoot a gun?" I asked Sarah. "No..." Sarah said. I took the gun and showed Sarah how to load and shoot the gun. I gave the gun back to her. "Now are we ready?" Dean asked. "Yes," I said. Dean closed the trunk and we walked to the door in the warehouse. Dean opened the door and we walked in. We looked around, everything was dark except for the middle of the warehouse were a single light was shining. Under the light was Castiel, tied up. I could feel that he was weak. "Cas!" I said while running over to him. "Holly NO!" I hear Dean yell. Then someone came out of nowhere right in front of me. It was ready to fight me but I stabbed it before it could do anything. It turned out to be a demon. I went over to Cas. "Cas?" I said putting my hand on his shoulder. Castiel's eyes opened. Dean walked over to us. "Cas, are you okay?" Dean said. "I'm nearly dead." Cas struggled to say. I looked at Castiel's shirt and saw where he had been stabbed. "Dean look!" I said pointing at the blood on his shirt. Dean lifted Castiel's shirt and saw the bloody wound. "That's not good." Dean said. "We need some kind of cloth." I said. "Here," Jack said handing me his jacket. I placed it on the wound. I grabbed Castiel's hand and put it on the cloth. "Put pressure on it." I said. I went around the back and cut the rope that was holding Cas. When I cut it, it glowed this weird color. "What the?" I said, and then Michael appeared. "Oh, the gang's all here." Michael said smiling. Dean quickly got out his gun and shot Michael, but there was no effect. "Nice try," Michael said before throwing Dean across the room, "Sam, get Cas out of here now!" I said. Sam nods and runs over to Cas. "I don't think so..." Michael says and then he throws Sam across the room. Jack got out his blade and stabbed Michael, it seemed to take effect on Michael, but then Michael pulled the blade out of him, threw it to the side and started choking Jack, and Jack couldn't defend himself. That triggered something in me. My eyes glowed a light blue, and I could feel wings on my back. I used my powers to stop what Michael was doing, I somehow made him let go of Jack, Jack backed away from him, "You hurt my family, you tricked me. You think you mean something to me, but you don't." I said with anger. "Family? They are not your family! They are manipulating you so they can use you!" Michael said. "Holly, don't listen to him." Castiel weakly said. My heart dropped when Castiel said that, It felt like instead of him protecting me, I needed to protect him. That stuck in my mind. "They are manipulating me? No, it's been YOU whos been manipulating me my whole life!" I said. "Whos the one whose been taking care of you your entire life?" Michael said. "Lisa." I responded. "Yeah right. Well, I mostly took care of you." Michael said. "Well, times change...I hate you!" I said. Michael laughed but I got mad. I threw myself at Michael and stabbed him in the head with my blade. I jumped back and watched what happened. Michael then floats up into the air screaming in pain, the blade taking effect on him... It was killing him. He then dropped to the ground, not moving. Dean got up and checked to see if he was dead, and I ran over to Cas. I healed the stab wound but Cas was still weak. "Jack, are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." Jack said. "Good," I said. Sam walked over and helped Cas, we all walked out, alive, with my family.

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