Chapter 37: "Take 'em to Chruch."

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I opened my eyes and... I looked around. Was I gone that long? It was dark out now. I notice there were many people, so I turned invisible. I casually walked up the stairs toward Dad. I saw him run up here with Rhodey. I heard gunshots. I ran towards the sound and the two men were hiding behind a crate. I tried to shake off all the things that just happened and focused on the task, but it could still feel it in the back of my mind.

"Did you see that?" Dad smirked at Rhodes. Rhodes rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, you really killed that glass." He answered sarcastically. I chuckled.

"I was aiming for the bulb. You can't hit a bulb at this distance." Dad bragged. Rhodes stood up and shot at a light. He broke the bulb. I smirked at Dad. Rhodes gave Dad a look. It was Dad's turn to roll his eyes. I made myself visible.

"I can turn you both invisible, it would make things a whole lot easier." I told the two. They both jumped as Rhodes lifted his gun towards me. I gave him a look. He smiled in relief, so did Dad.

"Hey kid. You good?" Rhodes asked. I nodded.

"Are you two okay?" I asked.

"Never better." Dad replied. I smiled. "Did you find Pepper?"

"I seen her, but she was still unconscious. They took her out the room before I could get her. It was totally a trap too. I actually seen someone I used to know." I gave Dad a look.

HYDRA. I spoke in Dad's head. His eyes hardened. Rhodes looked at us in confusion. I decided to look in Dad's head to fill myself in. Talking isn't something to be doing right now.

"I'm out of ammo." Dad spoke up after her checked his magazine. "Got extra mags?"

"They're not universal Tony." Rhodey said with annoyance.

"I know what I'm doing, I make this stuff. Gimme another one."

"I don't have one that fit that gu-."

"You have like 5 of them." Dad exclaimed in disbelief. Rhodes didn't answer making Dad scoff. I smirked at the old married couple. "Save my spot ready?" He peeked up for a millisecond and drop back down.

"What you see?" I asked, knowing the answer already.

"Too fast, nothing." Dad shook his head at me. Rhodey's face said it all. He looked again, longer this time. He sat back down. "3 guys, one girl, all armed."

"I would kill for some armour right now." Rhodes exclaimed as we all stood and he pointed his gun at the others.

"You're right, we need back up..." Dad nodded as he stared off at the distance. I looked over and notice lights. I grinned. I finally get to see all the suits in action!

"Yea, a bunch." Rhodey said. I patted his shoulder. He looked back. I pointed in the direction. He looked. "... is that?"

"Yep." Dad smirked. I rubbed my hands together with a mischievous grin. The two men gave me a weird look.

"I'm ready kick some ass. I've been holding a bit of anger in." I felt myself heat up. Every suit Tony Stark made surrounded the entire plat form.

"Merry Christmas buddy." Dad patted an awe struck Rhodey's back. "J.A.R.V.I.S?"

"Yes sir. And before we get started, I would like to say welcome back Ms. Stark." I smiled at the A.I's voice.

"Ah I missed you too J!" I grinned.

"Target Extremis heat signatures, except Hope, disable with extreme prejudice." Dad ordered.

"Certainly Sir." J.A.R.V.I.S's voice came from every suit. I smirked.

Tony Stark's Daughter [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora