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My brother😪❤️

(Btw Ty is my nickname)

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(Btw Ty is my nickname)

Liah pov

"Baby, Imma go down to Ayleks room real quick"I said aloud

Jahseh lifted his head off the pillow and rubbed his eyes "you want me to come with you?"

"No I'm okay, go back to sleep" I kissed his forehead softly before walking out the door. I paused looking down seeing a stethoscope on the floor "The fuck?"

There must be a nurse or doctor on this floor? I shrugged and walked to the elevator. I pressed button '3' as watched the doors close together.Once I made it to the 3 floor I walked down to Ayleks room '305' and knocked on the door.

"w-who is it?"Ayleks stuttered

"Liah"I replied

Within a few seconds Ayleks came to the door with a blanket wrapped around her body. "Wassup Liah? I thought we weren't leaving until 11?"

I squinted my eyes at her "We are leaving at 11"

"Oh okay, what makes you stop by then?"Ayleks smiled nervously

"Well I came to-"

"Ayleks your phone ringing" I heard a deep, familiar voice behind her

I pushed the door open and my mouth literally dropped to the floor seeing the Dj from last night laying on the bed with boxers on. "Did y'all...?"

Ayleks looked at him before looking back at me "Yeah we did"

I smirked before laughing "oh my fucking god bruh"

"Liah, please don't tell anyone about this"She whined

"Why not? I mean don't you like me?"Dj asked

Ayleks sighed "I really don't know you, I was drunk and desperate last night"

"So you saying after today...we just forget about each other?"He asked

"No I'm not saying that but I do want to act like last night never happened...cause I do want to at least get to know you"She said

He nodded "okay, I'm cool with that"He smiled

"Can I at least tell Ling?" I asked

Ayleks kissed her teeth "No Liah, don't tell nobody"

"Fine. Fine. I won't tell...imma just act like I was never here" I said backing out of the room and closing the door

Jahseh pov

I woke up hearing the door open. I looked up and saw that the door was still closed. "Baby you back?"I asked

I got up and checked in the bathroom.


Just then I heard somebody scan a key on the outside. Liah walked in laughing "Hey, you up?"She asked


"Are you just coming in?"I asked


"I could've sworn I heard that door open before you came in.."I mumbled

"Huh?"She asked

I shook my head "Nothing, what time is it?"I asked sitting on the bed

"Um, 9:30"

I nodded and looked her up and down"so we got 2 hours till we leave?"I asked pulling her on my lap

She smirked and kissed me gently before pulling away.

"Yeah...and I'm going back to sleep"she said taking off her shoes

I rolled my eyes "Really Liah?"

"What?"She asked as she made her way under the covers

"You really bouta go to sleep?"I asked


I frowned "b-but my dick hard"

She laughed "Jahseh how the hell did it get hard that fast?!"

"Don't yell at me, you did it"I glared at her

She scoffed "all I did was kiss you"

"That's all you got to do..you know that"I said

"Well, You better find a way to fix that shit nigga"She laughed again

I stood up and looked at her "This is funny to you?"

"Just a lil bit"she shrugged smirking

I kissed my teeth and sighed "Liah, I really don't wanna masturbate"

"And I really don't wanna have sex"She said

Liah pov

Jahseh stared at me for a few seconds before crawling in the bed. He got under the covers and started moving around before getting on top of me.

"Jahseh what are you doi-"I felt him grabbed my pants and try to pull them down

I grabbed his wrist "No, Jahseh stop"

"Relax Liah"He mumbled

"Jahseh I'm tired...please stop"I said nonchalantly staring at the ceiling

He ignored me and eventually pulled my pants down below my knee.

"At this point it's rape"I mumbled

His face appeared from under the covers "why would you say that?"

"Well it is"I shrugged

He kissed his teeth and grabbed his phone from the table. A few seconds later I heard the music to 2012 by Chris Brown playing.

"Oh my god"I laughed covering my face

He smiled lightly and started pecking my lips. "No Jahseh"

"Can I at least stick the tip in?"He asked

"We both know you're not gonna just stick the tip in Jah"I grinned

"Well...can I give you head?"He said

I froze and looked him.

"n-no I'm going to sleep" I pushed him off me and turned the opposite direction. I pulled my pants all the way off and placed it on the floor. "and turn that off"

5 minutes later

"Ugh fuck"I heard Jahseh moan

I turned around seeing that the cover was no longer over him, Jahseh was stroking his member. His eyes were really low and he was biting his lip hard.

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