Chapter 5: The Bowery King

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You and John were walking along the streets of New York but you kept looking around, nervously. Both of you found out that Santino put a bounty on both of you and to say you were terrified was an understatement. You had no idea who was a normal citizen or a highly skilled assassin, it could be the beggars on the street or the taxi drivers or just a random person that would pop up and pull their gun on you and your husband. John, on the other hand, was pissed especially when he heard you had a five million dollar bounty for your capture. 

You and John stuck together like glue while you took in your surroundings and began to wonder who was an assassin or not. So far it looked like nobody was grabbing onto you guys but it didn't take long for some people to try and get the jump on you two. It all was like a blur, they all happened so fast.

Like there was this guy, who looked like he could be a Sumo wrestler, meets up with you guys in the park area. John fights him a bit then Sumo guy pulls out a gun and fires but you and John dodge them. John goes and punches him at several points of the guy's body, like his neck and crotch area, but nothing seemed to bother him. He jumps up and shoves John towards a glass sign while you run at Sumo guy and kick the back of his knee.

He falls to one knee and you go and pull out a gun and start to fire. But the guy grabbed your gun and moved it over, so it wouldn't aim at him when you fired. You go and punch him in the neck but it didn't hurt him and he stands up, picks you up and throws you towards a bench.

John yells as he runs towards Sumo guy and grabbed his arm, throws it over his shoulder and breaks it, making the guy yell. He shoots the guy a couple of times but the guy glares up at him, stands up and knocks John down. Sumo guy starts to loom over him until you run up and jump on his back.

He growls and tries to get you off of him while you pulled off your knife bracelet, popped the blade out and started to stab him, repeatedly, in the shoulder. The guy tries to get you off of him but he couldn't so he settled on grabbing your knife and yanking it out of your grip. He throws the knife to the side, landing next to John, while you pulled out a gun. You aimed it at the top of his head and fired.

The guy stopped moving and falls over, you fall on top of him then you start to stand up. You take a few deep breathes as you get up and put the gun back into your holster. John gets up, picks up your knife bracelet, and goes over to the Sumo guy and dig in his pocket for anything and found some ammo.

He pockets it then looks over at you, impressed, as he hands you the bracelet. You smile and nodded at him as you put the bracelet back on and you two started to walk away when you heard Sumo guy staring to groan.

Seriously? You thought as you and John turned around and both of you shot at him at the same time, killing him. You let out a sigh then both of you exchange a look then continued walking.

Another time, you and John walked past a woman with a violin when you felt someone grabbed you from behind. Before you could say or do anything, the violinist places a hand over your mouth then pulls out her gun with her other hand and shoots at John. He falls forward from the impact while you pull the woman's hand off of your mouth and bite down on it.

She screams in pain and you elbow her in the stomach. You spun around and away from her just as John goes after her and they began to fight. The violinist then shoots him on his side and John yelps in pain then grabs her arm that was holding the gun and knocks it out of her hand. He flips her over, grabs her arm and breaks it, making her scream in pain. He kneels down, places his arms around her neck and breaks it.

He gets up and then stumbles back and clutches his side while you run over to him. You place his arm around your shoulders and help him towards the station.

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