Untitled 7 - a poem

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Of course. Or maybe not so much. 

Im searching for the final statement,

which could determine the happiness in my life.

I wanted to be more. 

I wanted to be an item with a price on it,

maybe even a packaged set with you.

If I could have it my way,

We would be Barbie and Ken.

We could be the princess and prince for each other.

It wouldn't just be a dead end relationship.

Instead, our relationship would be a never ending road.

And of course the road would be bumpy sometimes,

Because a road without any bumps is too bland for my taste buds.

Number 7 is his lucky number.

The white stamp of the number stains the back of his jersey.

The letters in his coded name is a seven.

My icecream totaled to the hellish number of Seven.

It must be a sign, or maybe i'm too paranoid.

Note to self: Stop overthinking everything you do. 

Another Note to Self: Chase after something realistic next time.

I talked to you.

I followed you hoping for the day you would beg on your knees,

pleading for a part in my heart.

I would be the ruler, 

And not because of my riches or rags.

Do not let him take you for granted.


Do not show up with cash dripping out of your torn up pants.

Buy him his love and see how long the joy lasts.

Do not fall into the cement hole, 

Because there is no way of digging out of your situation.

Talk to him, and if he says

"He's not ready"

Then get yourself,

Because you are untitled.

Untitled Number 7

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2019 ⏰

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