Brother Dearest

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I washed my mouth clean with the mint leaves the servants had left and clean myself in Titus's bath. I soaked and scrubbed my body in the warm tub, desperately trying to rid myself of the sins of my lust.

My mind wandered to thoughts of the invasion and my homeland. Would he really stop the invasion for me? Despite his adamant past?

Maybe... if I searched his room, I could find a clue to send back to Zuhar? I remembered I saw Habakkut holding some scrolls that differed from the ones sitting on Titus's desk? Maybe the plans for the invasion on my kingdom would be somewhere in his room .

But how long would Titus's meeting last with his council and advisors?

I climbed out the tub and ran to the main room to search each drawer. Those invasion plans had to be somewhere in here and now was my time to act!

I shifted through each drawer, flipping open binders and cones of paparyus. One by one, I counted each scroll, meticulously reading through each text to find the clue.

"Curses!" I whispered, I couldn't find them anywhere.

"You will not find them in here" a voice sounded behind me.

I had been caught!

I turned around to face the voice and started, curious to see who it belong to. A man unfamiliar to me stood at the entrance of the room. He was as tall as Titus, his hair falling across his head in tight curls. His skin was a deep olive brown while his nose was broad and thick. His features were almost identical to the king's.

(Y'all think he makes a good Ramses? Or does he make a better Titus?)

(Y'all think he makes a good Ramses? Or does he make a better Titus?)

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"Who let you in here?" I questioned him

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"Who let you in here?" I questioned him.

"I let myself in" he answered shortly, circling around me. I shielded my breasts as he invaded my body with his eyes.

"Titus always did get the prettiest women". he muttered, cursing the pharaoh's luck. I quickly ran to grab the covers off the bed to maintain my chastity.

"Who are you?" I speak with authority.

"Ramases, Nice to meet you" he extended his palm.

I slowly inspected his features as he stared me down. "You have some nerve barging in here like this" I spat. Just as he smiled, I remembered him from the night of my capture. "You are his brother" I whispered, "I remember you from that night"


"Your memory is sharp my Queen" he clapped sarcastically.

"And where have you been all these months? How strange and unexpected it is for you to show your face right now?" I challenge his intrusion.

"I've been on Hiatus. Since Titus is king, my life has paused; I have no rules or advisors to answer to and I can come and leave Alexandria as I please. I figured why not?" he admitted and continued to search the room for something. "Ahh! Here they are!" he opened a hidden chest and passed 1 scroll to me. I stood rigid in my spot as he tried to hand me the scroll.

"Don't be bashful my Queen! These are what you were looking for... correct?" he smirked, lifting a thick brow.

"No.. I wasn't" I pulled the sheets closer to my body. He stepped over to me and ran a finger through a soft bead in my braids.

"Shame you are so vocal; you would have made a great wife to me." He teased, tenderly rubbing my wet shoulders. His eyes fall down to my back. He turned me around, pushing me down to the floor.

Quickly I gathered the sheets to maintain what was left of my innocence. He took pleasure in seeing the deep scars painted across my back. "I had to see them to believe it. Titus's fury is not to be messed with?" he chuckled, taking pride at my scars.
"Shame! He should have done something with that loose toungue of yours" he chuckled and mimed the motion to slit his tongue.

I stand and slapped his cheek with a force so strong; the hit echoed throughout the quiet room. He only held his cheek and chuckled at my boldness.
I bend to find an extra robe and pull it across my chest."You're going tell Titus about this,  aren't you?" I ask hesitantly, tying the belt of the thin lace.

"No... I am not" he smiled lazily, "idle praddle bores me. Although Zothando is a rival to our kingdom, your fortresses and army are incomparable. Your people will fall to Alexandria in due time. You seeing the plans won't change that princess" he winked and threw the rest of the scrolls into my lap.

"He will halt them for me when I ask" I bragged.

"Will he?" he scoffed, "Is that why he urged me to return to Alexandria to aide him in the completion of the plans?" he confessed pridefully.

"Lies!" I yelled.

"Why do you think I am here? I know my brother. He will stop the invasion for no one, especially for an insignificant girl like you . He rather fall on his own sword than stop the invasion he has been planning for years. He brought it up to my father when he was alive only to be met with shame and dishonor."

"It is foolish to attack a land who has been an ally for years! Your father was right" I spat.

"You're as delusional as my father." He sucked his teeth, "Can you believe that old man picked Titus to be king over me?"

"The old pharaoh was wise. Titus energy alone is more powerful than yours. What a mighty king he is; you on the other hand? You are a rat!" I smiled.

His face scrunched with disgust as he heard my insult and quickly lunged to grab my neck. "What Titus sees in you I do not know, nor do I care to know. I will see through it that you and your people are brought to their knees in shame" he vowed.

"The power of a woman is far more threatening" I clue him in, "You don't know the influence a woman can have over a man"

"Don't I?" he sighed taking me into his arms, " and because of this is why I'll foresee this plans go through. I refuse to let Alexandria fall because of you. I assume you have alerted your people?"

"No I haven't" I push him off.

"I know you have. That is Good for us" he ignored my lie, taking my chin into his palm, "it will give them a fair chance to surrender before they are killed along with you" he rubbed a finger against my jaw.

"How dare you come into the king's room and touch his wife in this manner! I don't care who you are or how close you are to the king!
You will Unhand me at this instance!" I yelled. He smirked but slowly let me go.

"How pathetic of a man he is to take you as his wife; that decision was his greatest folly as king"

"You cannot talk to me this way! I am your queen!!"

"For now..." he corrected me and smiled, "Make sure to return the plans to their respective places before Titus returns" he winked, taking one last look at me and left the room to find Titus.

How sneaky he was! He knew what he did and I couldn't say a thing to Titus lest I revealed my knowledge of his plans to invade....



Ramases is back!!!

Hmmm... you think Nakini will tell him how he disrespected him?


Titus knows about Nakini plan to whoo him. He asked her why she was being submissive and behaving and she told him his mother had given her advice on how to Please the king.

He thinks it's nothing more than her trying to be more obedient to maintain the peace between them.

But he doesn't know about:
Queen mothers guide
The fact that Nakini knows about his plans to invade Zothando/ her plans to stop him to invade

Nakini's false/ pretend interest in him.

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