Hospital Bills - Chp 3

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 luckily, I managed to keep the woman safe, but not so much myself. when the man fired, the bullet flew into my shoulder. I grunted in pain and started to feel warm blood roll down my back. I pushed the woman behind another counter before the suspect could peak over and try to kill one of us. Without warning, I jumped out from behind the checkout and tackle the man to the ground. I was currently ignoring the pain that I felt to focus, plus, it wasn't the worst thing that happened to me. I was just happy to keep that woman safe. suddenly, I felt the barrel of a pistol press up and under my chin, making me look up slightly.

"Damn woman, you cast me my payday!" The man growled, getting ready to pull the trigger. out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move, which seemed to be a male. To my surprise, the man's hand that was holding the gun was now tightly wrapped in what looked like...a scarf? Just before the trigger was pulled, the man's hand was jerked away from under my chin and away from head, a bullet hitting a light that was hanging from the ceiling of the store. I didn't hesitate to grab the man by the throat, but not to choke him, only to paralyze him. Once I activated my Quirk, the man let out a surprised gasp as his whole body went limp.

I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, getting off of the man and standing up straight again. By then I had completely forgotten that I got shot in the back of my shoulder. look over to where that man from before was standing, his scarf seeming to float around, his hair doing the same thing. he gave me a stern look, but I didn't know what for. he started to walk over to the suspect and me as the woman slowly came out from behind cover, still shaking violently. "You could have been killed!" I looked up at the man, crossing my arms with a bit of annoyance. 

"I'm sorry but it's my job to protect the innocent and put assholes like these behind bars," You said with a silent growl. "Oh, so you're a hero then? Am I supposed to be impressed? Well, you can't possibly be a pro with how reckless you were-" He cut himself off when seeing blood starting to soak through my coat, making sigh heavily. "Your bleeding.." she mumbled, his hair dropping back down to his shoulders as he used his scarf to wrap up the criminal. you looked at your coat and took it off, frowning "Fucking.." when remembering you were wounded, the pain came back.

The handsome male looked over to the woman who used to be held at gunpoint, asking in a calm tone "Did you get hurt?" it the woman a moment to respond, only nodding her head to answer his question. He then looked towards me and grabbed my shoulders, turning e around where my back was now facing him. "Hey, what are you-" I was cut off by his words, grunting once more from the pain. "There is no exit wound so that means the bullet is still in your shoulder." his grip was firm but gentle, me not wanting to complain. "I'm fine, I can just walk to the hospital." Once I finished, he turned me back around to face him.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Aizawa's Prospective<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

"Walk?" I simply asked, raising an eyebrow at her. 'Walk to the hospital? Is this woman crazy?' before I could speak out again, she started to talk. "Yeah, I don't want any paramedics getting into a crash with this kind of weather. So, I'm walking there." I sigh heavily and finally let go of her shoulders "Then I'm coming with you." I had to admit, I admired how she cared for people like a real hero should. of course, I didn't show it. 'If she walked to the hospital, she could fall unconscious from blood loss and maybe even die. That's no way a hero should die."

"Wait, what?" She asked, seeming taken back by what I said. "I'm not repeating myself, now let go before you bleed all over the place." Just as I finished my sentence, I started to make my way out of the store, leaving the thug to the police. I could hear her let out a sigh and she followed behind me, a sly smirk appearing on my face. 'She reminds me a lot of myself...' I thought, opening the door for her. I could see the annoyance in her eyes as she passed me, her hair swaying behind softly as she walked.

We were now walking beside each other, the woman seeming to avoid eye contact with me. "So..Who are you exactly?" I asked, glancing over at her for a mere second then looking back towards the front of me. She was silent for a moment before finally speaking, crossing her arms over her chest. " I'm (Y/N)..and you are?" her question caught me off guard, making me stare at her for a short moment. "I only thought were joking when you got confused about what I meant back on the store." she looked back at me for a moment, then just shook her head looking away "Well, I wasn't. sure, you look slightly familiar but it didn't ring any bells for me.

I stare at her for a few more seconds before shrugging it off. "My name is Shota Aizawa.," I mumbled, looking down at the sidewalk. "Yeah, I still have no idea who you are," she admitted, catching me even more off guard. 'She had no idea who I was..I'd like to keep that way.' I shoved my hands into my pockets and sighs "Good." as we got closer to the hospital, I could see her holding her head and stumbling a little, knowing that the blood loss was getting to her.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(Y/N)'s Prospective<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I felt dizzy after what felt like hours of walking, stumbling here and there. At one point, I almost fell but Shota caught me, pulling my arm up and around his shoulder. "I can take care of myself..." I mumbled trying to push him away but to my dismay, he held on tight. "(Y/N), you're going to fall and that will slow us down. If you don't want to lose to much blood, I suggest we get a move on." he commented, not looking at me when he spoke.

I grumbled and rolled my eyes, feeling colder than I usually do. It seemed like years until we reached the hospital, Shota leading me inside. from there, a few doctors led me to a hospital bed that was surrounded with long, faint baby blue curtains. I sat on the bed as a nurse came in with a tray on wheels. there was a pair of tweezers on it, a needle, some medical thread, and a small thing of what I could only guess was something to clean out my wound.

"My Name is Lilly But you can just me nurse Lil. I'm here to fix up your wound."The woman said softly, a kind and caring smile on her face. "May I ask you to lift your shirt for me please?" I gave her a simple nod as I watched her close the curtain around us, making sure no one could peek. once the curtain was closed, I took off my shirt and threw it in the trash can since it was stained with blood. the Woman got up behind me, bringing the tray of medical supplies with her. 

"This may hurt a little, alright?" I nodded again, not being a big fan of socializing. I soon felt the nurse dig around in my shoulder for the bullet with the tweezers in hand, making me grip the edge of the bed. I didn't even notice when she pulled out the bullet since it still felt like she was trying to find it. after that, she cleaned out my wound and stitched together. "Alright, all done. would you like any pain killers?" She sked and I shook my head no. "No thank you, I'm fine. how much do I have to pay for the hospital bill?" The nurse just smiled and shook her head. "Oh, you don't need to worry about that. a man named Shota Aizawa already paid it for you." I stared at her for a moment before speaking again. "Wait, what?"

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