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Harry had texted Louis earlier in the day, asking if he could come over in the evening to help him plan a joint fundraiser for Phi Kapp and Prism. It would be the first time the fraternity and the organization would be working together and they knew it was a big step in the right direction. Louis' heart practically burst when Harry had asked him. So he texted yes, he would be there, and later that evening he skateboarded down to the Phi Kapp house and knocked on the door.

He hadn't been able to spend more than a few minutes with Harry ever since the night they spent together because their schedules were so hectic and the end of the semester only added to the chaos. As a result, he was bouncing on the balls of his feet in excitement. He was hoping Harry's plans to discuss the fundraiser also included some time allotted for making out. Louis really, really couldn't wait to kiss him again.

Louis tucked his skateboard under his arm as he waited, pulling the sleeves of Harry's rugby jersey over his hands. It was the one Harry let him borrow weeks ago—Louis had yet to return it. He had a feeling Harry would appreciate it, though.

The door swung open to reveal Rickie. He took one look at Louis and then hollered, "HARRY, YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE."

Louis stood there quietly, deciding it was best not to complain. Rickie had a plastic wine glass in his hand with a pink heart charm dangling from the stem. It was... strange, to say the least. He could hear music wafting from the living room, the warm sound that indicated a record player.

Harry finally appeared and Rickie patted him on the shoulder before disappearing inside the house. Louis was so distracted by how beautiful and cute Harry look that he didn't notice the confused expression on his face until a moment later. He was barefoot, in a fluffy purple bathrobe, also holding a wine glass.

"Louis, hey," Harry said, like he was out of breath. He dipped forward and kissed Louis sweetly in greeting, his lips tasting of wine. "What are you doing here?"

His heart dropped. "You texted me earlier..?"

Harry stared at him. "Oh. Oh. Fuck-"

"Sorry," Louis rushed. "Am I interrupting something? I'm interrupting something."

He ran his free hand through his hair, messing up the loose curls. "Yes- I mean no- Fuck, I'm sorry, I totally forgot we were gonna work on the fundraiser tonight. Umm, shit, sorry something came up. Is it- can we take a rain check?"

"Yes. Absolutely. Sorry for interrupting..?"

"No, don't apologize, this is all my fault." He laughed a little, self-deprecatingly putting his face in his free hand. "Some of my brothers were messing around and they said some shit, like, homophobic shit, whatever, it was just insensitive and I've been kind of annoyed all day, so. I didn't mean to snap at them, but it happened." He sighed, frustrated, like he was disappointed in himself.

"Huh. That sucks." Louis knew the tensions had been high in Phi Kapp ever since Harry revealed he was queer. Harry sometimes told him about things that happened and how he was slowly trying to change the climate of the frat to encourage people to be more inclusive and less shitty. It wasn't easy work and Louis admired Harry for being so patient and good. "So what's with the wine?"

"Oh. That. Yeah." He smiled a bit drunkenly. "After I yelled at everyone, I felt bad. I mean, they're my brothers, you know? This is my frat. I really do love them, even if they're little shits sometimes."

Louis nodded slowly, eyeing the way Harry waved his hand more dramatically than when he was sober. He was so cute like this, it was almost unbearable. Louis wanted to dig his thumbs into his dimples and kiss his rueful, embarrassed smile.

"Yeah, so basically after I yelled at everyone, I was like, 'we're popping open a bottle of red wine, listening to Norah Jones, and just, like, being open with one another.'"

Louis smiled and shook his head, reaching out to pat Harry's cheek. "You're so sweet, you giant dork. Enjoy your boy's night. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes, please. Can we- um. How do you feel about morning sex?"

He bit his lip at Harry's boldness, suppressing a laugh. It was definitely the wine, but Louis wasn't going to complain. "I am a fan."

"Good. Okay. Holy shit. Satsu."

Louis' eyed widened. "What?"

"Fuck," he threw his arms around Louis and wrapped him in a hug, groaning into his neck. "I just realized you're wearing my jersey!"

"What- oh." He had forgotten about that. "Yep."

"You look so hot, holy fuck."

Louis wasn't used to being called hot, so he would take it. Cute was more common when people complimented him. It was nice to know his sorta-boyfriend thought he was hot.

"You're my favorite person ever."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. You're so sexy and you laugh at my jokes."

"So that's the criteria, huh?"

"I would really, really, really like you to go up to my room and wait for me in my jersey, in my bed, but- that is selfish of me, because this might take a while-"

"You need to be there for your brothers," Louis agreed, laughing. He was immensely enjoying Harry's tipsy proclivity to rambling quicker than Louis had ever heard him speak before.

"I've never had sex before," Harry blurted. He slapped his hand over his mouth.

Louis' mouth dropped. "Oh."

"I mean, fuck, I've done like- I just haven't," he mimed putting his finger in a hole, "You know-"

"Hey, it's okay, I know what you mean. We can talk about it tomorrow. In the morning. When you come over." And when you're not drunk. Adorably drunk. He grinned again. "Don't expect me to get all dressed up for you. You'll have me in my pajamas or not at all."

"You look so sexy in your pajamas," Harry insisted, tone completely serious, like it was imperative for Louis to know this.

The fact that Harry had actually seen him in his pajamas various times over the past few weeks, definitely enough times to develop an opinion about it, made him blush. "All right, well, you're in luck, then."

"Why are you laughing at me? I'm making a fool of myself, aren't I?"

Louis shook his head and raised up on his toes to press a kiss to Harry's cheek, and then another to the corner of his mouth. "You're just adorably sweet. I'll see you in the morning, okay? Please don't be hungover. You have a promise to keep."

The gentle embarrassment of saying those words out loud, in that tone, was all worth it for the look on Harry's face. He took advantage of the moment of awe to kiss him once again, chaste and teasing.

"See you tomorrow," he repeated. "We'll get breakfast after."

"After," Harry repeated in a strained, awestruck voice.

Louis pressed his lips together in a smirk and backed away. He smoothly stepped onto his skateboard and waggled his fingers before turning away, smiling wide now.

He had a breakfast date with Harry Styles. Or maybe it was a sex date. Both were great. Phenomenal, even.

Despite the fact that the uphills were killer, he smiled all the way home.

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