Part 4~ Is this really a dream?

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Whoa, So I just realized I was on the What's hot list. That's insane. I can just feel the pressure. Oh and comment and vote is you like the story ^^

Haha, anyway I just wanted to tell the people who read the first three chapters before I edited it.

I changed Lestat's name to Lucian!!!! I didn't want anyone to be confused bout the Lestat that was in this story between the one in Interview with a vampire. So, his name is Lucian now.

Anyway, here's the next chapter!


You know what sucks? That is, other than someone leaving you in the middle of nowhere. Being stranded there without a clue as to how to escape my boredom had to be worse. I frowned. All there was to do was stare off into the distance, which might I add could be interesting...for about ten minutes. Believe me, I tried it. I sat and watched the animals as long as I could, but eventually my thoughts traveled to the demon angel. Who in the world gets stranded in their own dreams??? Why had he left me? And why did I have a bracelet? Why not a video game or a book?  Why had he not stayed with me?  I pondered.  In the end, I decided if he had stayed I would have to deal with his teasing. He came off as that type of person so, I was unquestionably better off alone.

"Lucian!" I shouted on an impulse. I wasn't surprised to only hear my voice echoing through the trees. I stood, frustrated. My eyes searched the sky for any trace of him. If he was an angel should he not have been able to hear me? Well, if he did, he was not answering.

The wall of colors caught my vision beside me. Somehow I had forgotten about it. The colors were still swirling, but they didn't make me feel happy at all. They looked angry...if colors could look that way. I wondered if there was a door to get inside it like I had before. There wasn't anything better to do, so I paced around the perimeter of the wall inspecting it. Maybe Lucian had poofed in there. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't looking for him because I missed him or anything. I just wanted to kick his butt for leaving me there. My legs were burning when I got back to where I had first began walking.  It took what felt like hours to walk around the whole thing. At least, I thought I had made my way back to where I started. There weren't any definite marks. I just thought I had started by a certain tree, but I was beginning to wonder if that one was it or not. I sighed. That was useless. I hadn't even found a door.

Worn out, I slouched against the wall. Instantly, an excruciating pain surged through my whole body. "Ahh!" I screamed as I feel to the ground. My sight pulsed in and out with every heart beat. It felt like I was being ripped apart from the inside, from my very essence. What had I done?! All I wanted was the pain to stop! I curled into a ball, wrapping my arms around myself in a futile attempt to stop the pain. I glanced up at the wall. It seemed to pulse an angry red color.

Through the pain, I heard someone snickering. "Silly, Lady! You're never suppose to actually touch the soul gate." The person sounded like a little kid. I wasn't exactly in the mood to talk to her, but I was curious.

"Soul Gate?" My voice came out as more of a croak. I winced as the throbbing grew stronger.

"Oh my! You don't know?" The girl stuck her face close to mine. She looked like she was around five if I had to guess. "You must be what mama calls an imbecile!" I looked at her while she said that...well, more like glared. She looked shocked, like it was the most obvious thing in the world and I didn't know it. How would it even be possible for everyone to know about a stupid gate??

"Look, kid..." I forced my voice to stay calm, but it still sounded shaky. "Not everyone knows about your stupid gate. And I'm not an imbecile! If you knew all along what would happen why did you not at least try and stop..." I curled tighter in the fetal position as another wave of pain surged through me.

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"Oh, but then that would ruin all the fun!" Her face lit up as she giggled. What a morbid child. "That reminds me! Stay here" She looked extremely seriously, as if I could actually go somewhere. "I'll bring someone back to give you some medicine before you die" She giggled once again

"Like I could go somewhere..." I said as the pain ebbed a little bit. "Whoa! Hold on a sec! WHAT DO YOU MEAN DIE?!"

The little girl had already started skipping off into the trees though. Her ponytail was swishing back and forth. That was all I saw before my vision slowly flickered away leaving me in absolute darkness. I was officially panicking. It took everything I had not to cry. All I could hear was the chirping of birds, other than that it was completely quiet. The pain wouldn't stop though.  No matter how hard I tried to distract myself from it every inch of my body screamed in agony. The worst thing was I couldn't do anything to stop it.

I waited a while hoping she would come back. I tried to move my head in the direction that she had left. It wouldn't move. I tried again, nothing happened.  After that I tried my arms and legs...My limbs weren't working anymore! At that point I really thought I was going to die like she said. My thoughts flashed to the awful little girl. She had been gone so long... My body was slowly growing numb. Maybe I was dying. At least it didn't hurt quite as bad.

"The she is James! The imbecile!" Relief washed over me. The awful little kid had come back!

The footsteps grew closer. "Angelina, it's not nice to call people that even if it is true." I assumed the person James laughed.  I would have protested, but I didn't care at the moment.

A strong pair of arms lifted me off the ground.  I heard a piercing scream that sent chills down my spine. I wondered where it came from, but then I realized it was my own. Before I knew it something was being poured down my throat. Immediately, I felt tired.  A voice comforted me as the pain slowly went away.


I don't know when, but I fell asleep. When I woke, I could smell spices in the air. The scent was amazing. I inhaled as deeply as I could, savoring it. I sighed. The blankets around me were nice and warm. In the background I could hear someone shuffling around the house. When I opened my eyes, I shocked. It was like a blast from the past or something. The room was old fashioned. It didn't even have electricity. There were only lamps to light the room. I looked to my left beside me in a chair I saw a little girl sitting. She had light brown hair, and her magnificent blue eyes were fixed on a rag doll. I couldn't help, but notice that she was in rags too. Her face brightened as she noticed me though.

"Mama! James! The imbecile is awake!!" She shouted. Oh, God. Not this little girl...

I grumbled. "Is that your favorite word or something?" I sat up in the bed. I felt a little light headed.

"Angelina! What did I say about calling people that?" A tall dark haired woman walked into the room. "Ah, hello, dear." She welcomed me. "You took quite a shock now, haven't you? You've been asleep for day."

I was shocked. "A whole day? My parents are going to kill me! Where am I?"

"You're in our camp!" The girl, Angelina proclaimed.

The woman laughed. "We are traveling Roma."

So, they were gypsies...I thought to myself. I got excited.  I must have still been dreaming. Nothing to worry about... I smiled. I had never met an actual gypsy before either, for obvious reason. "Oh, I see..." My curiosity over came me. "I know this is kind of straight to the point, but what happened to me?"

She frowned. "You must not be from around here..." The woman walked over the other side of the bed I was laying in where another chair was. "Well, you touched the soul gate when it was red..."

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