Chapter 12

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"Oh my god, Sunhee! I'm so sorry! God if only I hadn't dragged you with us to the club."

The first person that greeted Sunhee in the morning was none other than Miyeon herself. She practically ran towards Sunhee with a worried look and dramatically flung herself at her, almost spilling her hot cup of coffee all over the poor girl.

"And I wasn't even there to help you, I'm so so sorry!"

"Well I'm fine, so it's ok I guess", Sunhee said and leaned against the countertop, keeping an eye on the omelet she was making.

"Where were you anyway?"

"Outside", Miyeon said a little too fast.

Sunhee furrowed her eyebrows.

"Alone? Isn't that a bit dangerous?"

"I just needed some fresh air. That club is stuffy as hell."

"Well, don't beat yourself up about it. It's not even your fault. Besides, I wanted to go with you, you didn't drag me."


"I'm almost ready. Go to the others so I can serve the breakfast."

"No, I'll help."

The young woman still looked at her with a guilty stare so Sunhee sighed but let Miyeon help, nonetheless.

"How are you feeling?" asked Junmyeon after she finished bringing all the dishes to the table and sat down on her place.

"Better than last night for sure."

"Wait, did something happen?" chimed Yixing with a confused expression.

"It's fine, I didn't get hurt or anything."

Junmyeon raised his eyebrow. Even though she said she was fine he could see right through her.

"Does she feel like she can't be honest with us?" he wondered.

"Well if you say so Sunhee."

"What are your plans for today?"

"Work at the office for me today", replied Yixing.

"I have two meetings, then I have work at home", Junmyeon sighed at the thought of that.

Sunhee looked up from her meal. "Is one with the two guards from yesterday?

"Right, I still have to deal with them. I almost forgot about them." Junmyeon massaged the sides of his head.

"You're not going to hurt them, right?"

Yixing put a hand on Sunhee's shoulder and looked at his boss with slight concern swimming in his eyes. "We shouldn't talk about work so early. It only causes stress."

After finishing the breakfast, Sunhee washed up and finished all the chores she had to do for today. Now she had all the free time of the world.

Sitting on her bed Sunhee's eyes wandered through the room disinterested thinking about what to do. She looked at her hands, her short, natural, clean nails.

"Maybe I should check out the music room. It's been so long since I've played."

The Music room had to be one of the most antique rooms the building had to offer. It looked like it came straight out of a painting with its heavy red curtains and thick carpets that laid over the squeaky-clean parquet.

But what really took away her breath were all of the instruments: beautiful violins, a cello even a harp decorated the room. All of them looked to beautiful and expensive to touch.

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But the heart of the room was definitely the grand piano in the center. Emidiatly Sunhee felt herself drawn to it.

Reverent she let her hand glide over the elegant, black instrument.

"Steinway & Sons. Wow"

Gently Sunhee sat down on the piano bench ready to play something when she noticed a few music sheets.

"I didn't know someone else in this house can play the piano as well", she thought to herself as she inspected the piece.

"Not a piece I know but it doesn't seem to be too complicated."

Gracefully she put her fingers on the keys after scanning the music sheets a few times and began to play. Finally after months she was able to play again.

So, with nimble fingers she brought the melody of the sheet to life and let herself be gone, completely lost in the music. And even though she liked living in this house, everybody has been nice and welcoming this was the first time since she's been free that she felt completely at peace.

She was so focused on the music that she didn't even notice that the door was opened.

"Baekhyun, if you don't start playing something else besides that song, we're going to have serious trouble!" yelled a deep and highly annoyed voice.

Startled Sunhee's hands stopped moving and she looked up.

"Sunhee? You-? I'm sorry I thought you were Baekhyun..."

Kyungsoo stood in the door in surprisingly casual attire -a grey t-shirt and black sweatpants- with a laptop under his arm and a flustered expression.

"But... you can play piano?" He put his Laptop on a chair and walked over to Sunhee with newfound interest. "How long have you been playing if I may ask?"

"I think I had my first piano lesson when I was ten but I'm not quite sure."

"Wow, that's a long time." Kyungsoo's eyes glinted. "Do you play any other instruments?"

Sunhee nodded smiling. "Guitar and I can sing."

Kyungsoo stood up straight. "You can sing? Did you take singing classes?"

She nodded again. "When I was younger, I wanted to become a K-pop Idol", she laughed, "It didn't work out though which, in hindsight I'm kind of glad about. I didn't realize the pressure those people are under back then." Sunhee brushed a strand of hair that escaped her ponytail behind her ear.

"You're definitely right. We know a few people from the industry, and I don't think I have seen any of them without either a coffee in hand or a certain lack of energy. I understand the appeal though. I have to admit I took singing lessons in the past too and I can't say I haven't dreamt of that as well."

"You took singing lessons?!" Sunhee eyes widened. "Are you serious?"

She carefully studied him from head to toe.

The image of a younger Kyungsoo dancing and singing to up-beat Pop songs on a stage with a few other guys around his age popped into Sunhee's head and she couldn't hide her grin at the image.

It just was the complete opposite of the man next to her in that moment.

Kyungsoo shifted his weight from one foot to the other and let out a little 'heh'.

"I know I don't seem like the type to sing but I still quite enjoy it to this day."

"Kyungsoo, you're full of surprises!" the woman laughed. "First cooking, now singing. I have to say that's actually quite endearing."

"I guess those are not hobbies you'd expect from me."

"But that makes you all the more interesting!"

Kyungsoo raised his eyebrows in surprise. Was there the faintest hint of blush on his cheeks? "You think so?" He cleared his throat.

"I should go, I still have a lot of work to do."

Sunhee didn't question it. "And I should play something else, I suppose"

"You'd do us all a favor", Kyungsoo smiled.

"I'd say Baekhyun does it".

All eyes of the small assembly inside of Junmyeon's office darted towards Kyungsoo who had raised his voice after a long period of silence.

Baekhyun crossed his arms. "What? Jongdae is literally our spy! It should be him."

"As if I don't have enough work already with updating the whole security system."

"He's right. Out of all of us right now you have the least amount of work right know Baekhyun. This is a short mission. He comes out, you cut his throat end of the day. It won't take long," Junmyeon added.

Jongdae, Kyungsoo as well as Chanyeol and Sehun who weren't really talkative that day, hummed in agreement.

Baekhyun's expression.

"Chanyeol, come on man! Back me up!"

"Sorry man but I have lot do recently too. I would help you out if I could."

His friend just groaned in response and turned back to his Boss.

"I don't care how long it takes or how easy this mission is. You know how much I hate that place! Besides, I-I have something else to do on that day at that time so I'm afraid someone else has to it."

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. "We all know that's Bullshit. You're just looking for excuses."

Baekhyun huffed. "How would you know? You're always in your room, not giving a fuck about what anyone else is up to."

"Do you know what you're saying? You know who fed you all those years right?"

"And I hope you know I'm still older than you! You don't get to speak with me like that!"

"That's enough! I don't have the patience to listen to your childish arguments now, and Baekhyun", Junmyeon turned to look at the younger, "You are going! I know you may not like it, but first of all, the past is in the past and you have the least amount of work to do. If I say you can spare half an hour you will."

Baekhyun clenched his teeth in an effort to bite back the remarks that laid on the tip of his tongue. His mind raced. Were they doing this just to make him angry? They knew about his past, what he had to live through in that part of town, now they're sending him back!

Abruptly he stood up.

"I'm going for a smoke", he muttered as he closed the door a little to forceful.

"I think we all could use one", Chanyeol sighed.

Junmyeon drew the blinds back and emidiatly his office was flooded with golden light. Not that he or anyone in the room for that matter, cared anymore. His head ached and his lungs longed for the smoke of the cigarette.

And so it didn't take long before Junmyeon's office filled with small clouds of smoke as the night replaced the warm light of the sun.

"It's time to go to work everyone."

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