Chapter Four

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"Good luck, Amy," I turned and saw Silver. I smiled.
"Thanks Silver," I replied. "Good luck to you too," he nodded and walked away. I looked around the lobby, everyone was talking and wishing each other well in the race. Soon, we'd be leaving for the track, but the race still wouldn't start for another few hours.
I sat alone on the comfy couches, watching everyone. Mostly everyone had arrived, but Sonic was still nowhere to be seen. Actually, I hadn't seen him since the incident in the elevator yesterday.
"Amy!" I turned again. It was Trixie with a few of her mechanic friends. "We all wanted to wish you good luck on the race today," she said. Everyone nodded. I smiled.
"Thanks guys. I will do my best," I replied. They all moved off, with Trixie giving me a wink before following her friends. I turned to look at the front doors to the lobby, and felt something slide in next to me. I jumped and turned, seeing Shadow sitting on the couch next to me, watching the lobby. I placed a hand over my heart.
"Gosh, Shadow. You scared me half to death!" I exhaled and sat back. He turned his eyes on me.
"Sorry," he said, then looked back toward the huge group of Sega people.
We sat there silently for a few minutes, until Calvin called out.
"Alright racers! Everyone make their way to the train, were leaving in five minutes. Make sure you have a travel buddy so we don't loose someone," he yelled out and I stood up. Shadow stood next to me. We were walking toward the exit when Pamela, Calvin's assistant, stopped us.
"Make sure you two stay together," she said. I looked at her in confusion.
"What?" I asked.
"If you two are traveling buddies, you need to stay together," Pamela looked at me like I was stupid. I blinked.
"Thanks Pamela," Shadow said in his quiet way. Pamela's eyes widened and she blushed.
"No problem Shadow, any time," she smiled, then hurried away. I sighed and led the way out of the lobby, heading for the train, trusting that Shadow would follow. We stepped on the train and waited for the others so that we could head for the beginning of the track.

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