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Under the moonlight night......💝


Amirah walked into jamila's room and met her lying down with her phone in her hand.

"I thought you won't be at home." Amirah said as she got a place and sat down. "Your line wasn't reaching and your phone is on."

Jamila looked up to her from her phone and smiled. "Maybe network problem. What's up!"

Amirah let out a sigh as she slumped on the bed beside Jamila. "I want to tell you something listen."

Jamila kept sliding up the screen of her phone giving less interest to Amirah.

"Who're you chatting with that's taking all your attention? I said I want to tell you something very important."

Jamila smiled. "Is one stupid guy I got. He doesn't know me, I'll drain him before he'll know it. Aha!" She hissed, her eyes still glued to her phone.

"Okay now listen to me first." Amirah vented on."later you'll think of how to drain him or rather, leech out his fibre."

"I'm all ears then." Jamila let out a laughter after reading from her phone. "Hmmm, this guy doesn't know who jamila is. Come, come," she smirked.

As Amirah perceived she wasn't ready to give her the attention she needed, she went on anyway. "What I want to tell you is that......"

"Goodness! This guy could be so stupid, it seems I'll not have problem turning him into an ATM machine." Jamila shrieked. "You can't believe it Amirah, he will get a car for me next week. hmmm, so soon."

"I'm not going to marry haidar again!" Amirah broke, and jamila suddenly sat upright letting her phone slip out of her hand.

She slapped Amirah's shoulder mockingly and gave out a little laugh. "Haba Amirah, this is not april have you forgotten, we're in February. Is not time for april-fool yet so scrape it." She smiled and took her phone from the ground.

"I'm serious." Amirah said without the trace of mock in her voice. "I told him last night."

"The devil will never prosper in his mission!" Jamila exclaimed, eyes wide open in terror.


Amirah walked up to the building. She had written her resignation letter because she can't keep working under Haidar again. The pressure will be too much for her after Haidar had threatened her vehemently last two days.

And also, she has a business to finish with him.

She met Haidar in his office sitting solemnly with his head on his desk, probably thinking over what she'd done to him. But he can't blame her, is what her heart wanted. She'd been tolerating him all the while without loving him. She'd wanted to take a risk and plunge into a marriage with Haidar all because of what she thought Amin had done to her. But now knowing the truth, she couldn't take that risk any longer.

She walked up to him and sat on the seat opposite to him.

Haidar looked up at her and smirked. "I know you'll come back to me darling." His smirk widened surlily.

"I'm not here to play game with you Haidar, nor to tolerate your quips. I came to submit my resignation letter. And I want you to listen to this."

She played a recording from her phone and dropped it on the desk close to him.

"You thought I'll leave the guy alone after knowing he's a threat to my life, no way!" Came Haidar's voice.

"What are you going to do now?" Another guy spoke.

"I'll make him lose his company first, I've assigned someone to do that task. It seems he didn't get the warning when I sent that fake post about him on net."

The other guy guffawed. "You're too much my guy!"

Amirah grabbed her phone from the desk and put it off, then stared into Haidar's eyes. "Now, what I want is for you to undo what you did or I sent this voice for the whole world to know, and also the CID working on the case." She smirked and arrested him with her gaze. "Haidar how will you Like your image being tarnished in the eyes of the world."

Haidar smirked. "Amirah you're playing with the snake neck, don't let it bite you. Well," he shrughed. "I'll do what you want for now, but just know that I'll get you by all means."

He smirked again and clapped his hands for her.


Amin was so happy. He'd gotten back his license and his company is up again. All thanks to Amirah. He surveyed the office again and again, a smile that couldn't leave his face helped in making it brighter.

He finally sat on the seat and crossed his legs. "Work will begin fast in order to catch up In Sha Allah."

"Are you talking to me?" Amirah asked quippingly as she badged into the office with a smile.

Amin looked up to her and smile widely. "I was just thinking of you."

"Then save your thought for later since I'm here now. Don't exhaust them all."

"They can never be exhausted when it comes to you." Amin threw a flirty smile towards her, and that made her heart flutter.

She took the seat opposite to him and threw the file she was holding on his desk. "To save your thought more, I'm seeking for employment here with you so you'll be seeing me everyday."

Still smiling, Amin took the file and browsed through. "Let me see what's inside." He looked through casually and kept back on the desk. "I think you're qualified to be the MD's Secretary."

"Why not the MD," Amirah sneered, and Amin glowered at her amorously.

"Fine, whatever position you want is yours now." He smiled, and she did likewise.


They sat at the garden under a tree, as the moonlight shone brightly. The air was crisp and spiced with light wailings that planted sensation into their hearts. Amirah was beyond happy to be sitting with Amin again and gisting like they used to be before.

"How did you know it was Haidar that did that to me?" Amin had asked meticulously as he stared at her under the moonlight night.

"A wiretap can be useful after all." She glanced at him and smiled. "I got the idea from you when you dropped a recording device in my office. Acting like a shallow criminal right?"

Amin laughed. "I don't even know how to act smart since you got my scheme."

"It seems so." Amirah shrugged resignedly. "What even made you dropped that in my office?" She glimpsed at him then looked far away tentatively listening to what he was going to say.

"I was thinking you have something to do with me losing my company, so i thought i could grab information from you."

"Well, you didn't." She smiled, and he grin widely.

They chatted pleasantly afterward, reminiscing after their 'once upon a sweet marriage life'.

And it was under the moonlight night, their hearts both rekindled a new flame of love towards each other.

So so sorry it wasn't that entertaining. Seriously i lost the courage to write, I'm just trying to put something worthy of reading. It might not be as you expected, so pls bear with me


Yours ever----

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