Not That Into You

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Jasmine's POV

I swear I was happy to see my husband and my best friend. We arrived home and he carried me into the house and upstairs to the bedroom and layed me on the bed. Kaneisha came in behind us and jumped in the bed and squeezed the shit out of me. "I missed you too Neisha. You have to come around more." I said sticking my bottom lip out. She sighed. "Wassup Kaka?" I only called her that when I knew something was wrong with her. She looked down. "Nothing." "Alright, I know you lying but I'm gone let it go, you'll tell me eventually." Kaneisha's phone began to ring as an odd expression crossed her face, almost like she was scared. She walked into our bedroom bathroom and shut the door. Me and Trae's nosey asses went up to the door to see who she was talking to...

Kaneisha's POV

My best friend was out of the hospital and I was so happy. then she said, "Wassup Kaka?" she only called me what when she knew something was wrong with me, and it was. My boyfriend Carmelo that I've been dating secretly for 9 months started beating me a few months back and to top it off I'm 2 months pregnant. My phone rang after, I told Jasmine nothing and it read "Mel <3" I got up and went into their bathroom to keep them from hearing him yell at me and call me out my name and tell me what he was going to do to me when I got home.


"Where your hoe-ing ass at?" he yelled through the phone.

"Baby, I.. I'm at Jasmine's house with her, she just got out the hospital I'm on my way home."

Just then Trae knocked on the door and said "Baby girl, you okay?"

Fuck! I screamed in the back of my head now he's really going to beat me.

"I knew you were out being a slut.." before I could reply he hung up the phone, I wiped the tears from my face that I didn't realize were falling. I looked in the mirror trying to clean myself up before I came out the bathroom.

"You okay Kaka?" Jasmine asked me as I shook my head yes and smiled. She looked at me like she knew I was lying but didn't say anything. I asked Trae to drop me off at the bus station so I could go home but he kept insisting that'll he'll drive me all the way home but I said no because I didn't want to risk being punished worse than I was already going to. I arrived home 30 minutes later to a drunk and high Mel. I braced myself for his hands as he came and opened the door.....

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