Chapter One: His Beginning

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Author's Notes:

So... I'm going back through and making some changes then will actually be making new chapters. Also,  I'm going to try and be more active? I can't really promise anything but I'll try my best, also I suck at being a descriptive writer so prepare for crappy fight scenes and whatnot.

Enjoy the story if you are new and enjoy it if you are coming back.


June 1, 2XXX


People are everywhere. There are so many different kinds of people out there. Some are luckier than others, some are stronger than others, some are better looking than others, and some are more intelligent than others. With this diversity, there are no two people alike.

The reason for that is because this is a superpower based society. Everyone has some sort of power that makes them unique- well, almost everyone. You see, 95% of the world's population has a "quirk" or superpower you could say, while the other 5% of the people have no quirk. With this in mind, discrimination between those with, and those without quirks is very high. You would think laws would be put in to help those without quirks, well- you're wrong. It's not international but some countries do have laws helping those that are quirkless, while others don't. I happen to live in a country that doesn't have those laws.

You see, I live in an island nation known as Japan. So while quirks are a big part of society, they are even bigger here. I mean, everyone wants a great quirk so they can be a hero. If you didn't already know, Japan is filled with many strong and famous heroes. Most notably, All Might, the country's number one hero and the Symbol of Peace. Now don't start thinking I'm a hero fan, because I am NOT a hero fan. I just happen to know a lot about them because they are constantly on the news 24/7.

Call me weird but my dream is not to become a hero. To me, being a hero is very unrealistic. There are too many people out there trying to be heroes yet only thinking of themselves. Now, I'm not going to lie and say I like to do stuff for the sake of others, rather I like to think of the benefits for me. This is why being a hero is not suited for me.

Now I wouldn't say I lived a normal life, but it's been pretty peaceful for a few years. If I could, I would keep it that way. Sadly fate, or some other ungodly power, had different plans for me. My life, the life of Ariyoshi Y/N, took a sudden turn for the worst, or best, when I was in my third year of middle school, all I wanted was to get to class on time...


"RAWRRR!" shouted a giant villain at Tatooine Station. This villain, who had tried to steal a purse, was being cornered by Kamui Woods.

"Ugh, can't these guys focus on efficiency rather than trying to be flashy." Y/N sighs while turning away from the action. "I might as well just take the long route, who knows when this will end."

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