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(Third person)

When Todoroki got back to the dorm, Midoriya was cooking up soba.
'What are you making?' Todoroki asked.
'Tsukimi soba, is that what you want?' Midoriya looked up at him with a smile.

'Sounds good..' todoroki smiled.
'Good!' Midoriya cracked an egg onto a pan with one hand.
'So did you get full marks on the entrance exams?' Todoroki asked.
'Yeah, somehow...' Midoriya looked towards him.

'What did you get?' Midoriya asked.
'99%...' Todoroki looked up as he thought. 'I couldn't remember if phi was 1.618 or 1.681....'
'Oh, it's 1.618...' Midoriya smiled.
'Oh, I did that one.. I wonder what I got wrong then...' todoroki shrugged and got two bowls out.

He sat them on the small bench, then glanced at Midoriya. The smaller teen looked deep in thought. He chopped up spring onion, then looked up at todoroki and smiled.
'It's ready now..' Midoriya said.

He served up the bowls then handed one to todoroki. Todoroki took it with a smile, then sat it on the table.
'I'll get water..' todoroki said.
'Okay!' Midoriya said as he walked to the table and sat down with his bowl.

Todoroki sat a cup of water in front of him, and chopsticks next to him. The two of them ate silently, then todoroki washed up. Midoriya wiped over the table and made sure the bench was clean.
'Do you want to play Mario kart?' Todoroki asked.

'Oh! Sure..' Midoriya grinned.
They sat in the chairs, todoroki turned on the TV and got up Mario Kart. He handed Midoriya a controller.
'How do you play?' Midoriya asked.
'Hold down two and turn the remote to move...' todoroki explained.

'Okay..' Midoriya glanced up at the screen.
Todoroki picked rainbow road, and put a tiny smile on. Though, unlike what todoroki believed would happen, Midoriya came 1st easily. He only fell off once. And, he did it using one hand.

'You've played before?' Todoroki questioned.
'Nope! I just figured out that turning correctly depends on your speed, and the degree you turn at.' Midoriya smiled.
'Then... why did you play with one hand...' todoroki mumbled.

'Oh... my arms broken and it's a bit sore right now, I've used it a lot today..' Midoriya said.
'Broken? Why isn't it in a cast?' Todoroki asked.
'I got the cast off yesterday, now it's just wrapped up..' Midoriya pulled his sleeve up, showing the bandage around his arm and hand.

'Oh... okay...' todoroki picked another hard round.
He was salty, because he always won in Mario kart. But, Midoriya won again. And again, and again.
'Oh! I'm going to shower now.. I'm going out in the morning...' Midoriya smiled.

'Okay...' todoroki turned off the tv and put the remotes away, Midoriya grabbed his towel and clothes, then went into the bathroom. He locked the door, then dumped his stuff on the ground. He carefully took his clothes off, then stared at his arms.

One, broken, wrapped up in a bandage. The other, scars that reminded him of his last 7 weeks in middle school. Scars that Minato had given him. They were thin because of stitches thankfully, but he saw them as clear as ever. He looked towards his left shoulder, where wounds were present.

The ones he had given himself. Since the sewing pin hadn't been working, he had started cutting on his shoulder. They were already leaving scars, and he was running out of room. He let out a sigh as he unraveled the bandage on his broken arm. He turned on the shower, then hopped in and stood under it.

The shower steamed up around him, he inhaled sharply, then washed his face under the warm water. He washed his hair, then his body, then he turned off the shower. He put on his pyjamas, then realised it was short sleeved. He had grabbed he wrong pair.


It didn't bother him, because his self harm scars were on his shoulder; hidden by the short sleeves. But, the scar Minato had given him could be seen, only if you looked hard enough. He hung his towel on the rail, then picked up his clothes and walked out of the bathroom.

Todoroki looked at Midoriya.
'Um, a delivery guy dropped of our books and uniform...' todoroki said.
'Oh! Give me a sec..' Midoriya walked into his room, and neatly hung his clothes up, then walked out while struggling to strap his arm back up.

'Would you like help with that?' Todoroki asked.
'Um... that would be nice..' Midoriya nervously chuckled.
Todoroki walked over to the smaller boy and took the bandage.
'Does it need to be tight?' He asked.

'Yeah..' Midoriya mumbled.
'Let's sit down, then..' todoroki guestured towards the chairs.
The two of them sat down, todoroki carefully wrapped up his arm, but tightly. Midoriya winced when he wrapped tightly over the part where his bone was actually broken.

'Sorry...' todoroki apologised.
'It's fine it's fine!' Midoriya smiled.
Todoroki noticed the small scar on the boys other arm that read DIE, along with all the other small scars. He quickly looked away, pretending he hadn't seen anything. He didn't want to pry into business he wasn't invited into.

He tucked the final piece of the bandage under the other part, then looked at Midoriya.
'All done.' Todoroki stood up. 'Want me to carry your box into your room?' He asked.
'That would be a good help! Thank you..' Midoriya smiled.

Todoroki walked over to two boxes. He picked up the one with Midoriyas name on it, then walked into Midoriyas room. Midoriya followed behind him.
'On the floor there is fine thanks...' Midoriya said.
Todoroki placed the box on the floor.

'Thanks for your help..' Midoriya smiled kindly.
Todoroki smiled a little.
'Well, I'm off to unpack... night Midoriya-kun...' todoroki said.
'Night Todoroki kun!' Midoriya smiled.

Todoroki walked out of the room and quietly closed the door behind himself. Midoriya looked towards the box then opened it. Inside was his school uniform. He pulled it out and smiled.

There was a grey, neatly pressed blazer with dark green stripes in various places. There were three white button up shirts, and two green trousers. And of course, the red tie, which Midoriya had no idea how to tie.

He hung it all up in his cupboard, then went back to the box. There were labeled books, and stationary, as well as a backpack and a laptop. He neatly set everything up on his desk, then jumped into bed. He was surprised at how comfy the bed was, and he fell asleep almost immediately.

The night was peaceful for a while, but around an hour later he woke up breathless, from the same nightmare he had every night. He panicked as he remembered the truck hitting his mother. Her blood that not only stained the road, but him too. Then he was hit. He covered his mouth, believing he would throw up from the traumatic memories. He rolled out of his bed and ran into the bathroom.

As soon as his eyes met the toilet, he threw up into it. He sat there, coughing, with tear filled eyes.
'Midoriya? Are you okay?' Todoroki asked.
Midoriya flinched an spun around, todoroki was stood by the door with a worried expression on his face.

Midoriya put on a forced smile.
'Sorry.. I'm okay..' Midoriya mumbled as he wiped his eyes.
'Are you sick? Do you want medicine?' He asked.
'I'm fine, don't worry about me.. sorry for waking you..' Midoriya trembled as he stood up.

'No, I was awake... it's only 10:30...' todoroki tilt his head to the side. 'I'll go get you medicine.. go back to bed when your ready..'
Todoroki ran off before Midoriya could protest. He flushed the toilet and splashed his face with water. His hands were trembling aggressively, so he held them behind his back while he silently walked into his room and laid back down.

Todoroki turned on the light, then walked up to his bed and handed him a glass of water along with a small pill. Midoriya took it and sat up.
'Thanks..' he mumbled, then he put the pill in his mouth and swallowed it down with water.

Todoroki put his hand on the smaller boys forehead, then out his other hand on his own.
'You're a little warm...' he assessed.
'Oh! I'm not sick.. sorry... it's not something you can catch..' Midoriya mumbled.

'I know.. you had a nightmare, didn't you? You were sleep talking a bit, I could hear you when I was in the kitchen...' todoroki took the cup from him and placed it on the floor.
He looked up at the smaller boy, and noticed he looked terrified.

'Ah- I'm sorry.. I promise I won't tell.. and you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to say, okay?' Todoroki reassured, but Midoriya started trembling again.
'S-s-sorry...' Midoriya held his hands together, trying to make them still.

'Midoriya, I know a breathing technique that should calm you down if you'd like to try it..' todoroki calmly said.
'Y-yea?' Midoriya mumbled.
'Breathe in through your nose, until there's no more room in your lungs.. then breathe in again through your mouth, hold it for a second, then exhale..' todoroki explained.

Midoriya did what he said, and let out a shaky breath.
'Again..' todoroki smiled.
Midoriya did it again, then again, and sure enough, his hands stopped shaking.
'There... try get some sleep, Yea? Come get me if you need help again..' todoroki said.

He stood up, and to the door.
'Night..' he said, then he turned off the light quietly closing the door behind himself. Midoriya sunk into his bed. He felt stupid for already dragging his roommate into his personal problems, but before he could argue much more, he fell asleep. And that night, he didn't wake up again or have any nightmares.

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