Hi all! ghostygoober here! So sorry for the long pause in this story! Life came about and I lost interest in a lot of things! BUT I'm back with more to add to my stories! I'll do my best to upload when I can :)
Now enough of that and on to the story! I wanted to let you all know that I decided to add a little detail to our dear Moo, if you don't enjoy it please keep your opinions to yourself! Thanks yaaa~ Now enjoyyyyyyy <3
Third Person POV
By the time everyone walked into the main living room, all of them had sobered up. Deciding that they weren't quite ready to be sober just yet, Tyler got up and walked behind the mini bar, set up in the corner of the living room, to raid the cabinets and see what was available. He pulled out a bottle of vodka from the cabinets along with shot glasses for everyone. He walked back to where the crew was sitting.
Luke and Evan sat further back in a love seat with Jon and Brock sitting on their laps. Tyler screamed at everyone "GET THE FUCK OVER HERE AND DRINK". Evan and Luke both let out collective sighs before they made their way over to where Tyler and everyone was taking their shots before they along with Jon and Brock downed their own. Everyone each took 2 shots before grabbing whatever other alcohol they were in the mood for. Jon let out a groan tossing his head back and Luke asked: "What's wrong baby?" Jon pouted before stating "I want a mixed drink" Luke replied "there aint no one who know how to make them fancy things you like". Jon pouted "yes there is!" before pointing a finger at Brock.
Brock startled and hesitated as Evan, Luke, Jon, and everyone else looked at him. He flushed a little before Jon crawled out of Lukes lap and laid his head into Brocks lap as Brock sat in Evan's lap. Brock sighed before he said "I think you've had enough Jon, a mixed drink will make you sick" Jon persisted and nuzzled his head into Brocks stomach saying "Pleeaaaassseeeeee" Brock tried to refuse but saw Jon put on his puppy eyes and lean towards his face closer. Evan growled a lowly before he pulled Brock further into his chest.
Brock POV
I turned pink and turned to look at Evan but was stopped by Jon leaning even closer and rubbing is face into my neck. I began to giggle a little and felt Jon smirk into my neck , knowing I was done for. I tried to hold back my giggles but Jon's persistence and puppy eyes made me burst out laughing finally relenting and saying "okay okay okay!!! I'll make you something now stop Jon!!" and Jon backed up letting out a whoop. I went to stand from Evans lap but was stopped when he pulled me tightly back into his body. I turned my head and looked at Evan's face, seeing the burning jealousy in his black eyes, filled with heat and lust. I shivered in his grasp before adjusting and straddling him. He looked up at me and I leaned forward pressing a feather-light kiss on the tip of his nose, before backing up and seeing Evan process what happened before his face turned red. I giggled and asked "Do you want to come and watch me make drinks? You can help by reaching the top cabinets I can't".
Evan nodded quickly and we both got up off the couch. I turned back to Jon and asked "What do you want Jonny?" Jon shouted "Long Island Iced Tea!" I shook my head, chuckling before heading to the minibar. I went behind and regarded all of the alcohol and mixers they had before determining that I had all the ingredients to make a variety of mixed drinks, including the Long Island Iced tea. I looked up and saw that Jon, Craig, Lui, and Marcel, I recalled, had left their partners to come and watch me at the bar. Glancing back I noticed the crestfallen looks on each of their partner's faces. I giggled to myself about how we had only danced one evening at a club and ended up finding what seemed like our partners-to-be.
I then turned to Lui, Craig, and Marcel and asked what they wanted. Lui thought a moment before he said that he wanted a Bellini, I then turned to Craig and he replied, Vesper. Finally, I turned to Marcel, and looked at him expectantly. Marcel hesitated before he said a Pina Colada. I smiled at all of them and got to work on each of the drinks.

Kings of the Castle
RomanceA new gay nightclub, Castle, has opened up in Los Santos just a few blocks away from the Vanoss Crews house, owned by Cartoonz, a past member of the Vanoss Crew. Naturally, with their history with the head honcho, they act as freelance bouncers to k...