The Fearsome Queen Of The Underworld_21: Triton

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"You look beautiful in that dress my love." I twirl around giggling. It was a simple A line dress with a silver belt design just a vew inches below my bust. "Of coarse you will like it husband, you designed it." Almost all my clothes are designed by Hades and I love it. His dresses always feel so comfortable and elegant plus I like wearing them for him. He has a look of pride when I wear his dresses and I love that look. "Maby so, but only you can make it beautiful by wearing it."
I sit on his lap and give him a kiss, which turned out into a full on make out session. His lips was so carefully on mine, but I could feel his intense force that he was keeping back. As if one mere fault would break me. "My lovely wife if you do not stop now we will not make dinner with your sister." He lowly whispers and I blush and quickly get off of him, trying to sober up. He just chuckled seeing my blushing state. "Come lets go." He holds his hand out for me and I take it, still in full blushing mode.


It wasn't even a moment after the clock striked signaling that we have to go to the dining hall before someone knocked on the door. It was Thanatos. "Let's go, we don't want to be late." I nod. "Ez dear we need to go!" She comes running out of the bathroom pinning her hair up. "Let's go." Thanatos taps his stick and we were in an instant in the dining hall. Hades already at the end of the table with Pandeia next to him, looking a little more rosier that usual. "You're late." Hades grumble. He was always grumpy, he didn't change much. I take a seat across from Ez. In an instant the appitisers were served. It was some kind of white soup. "Let us eat." Hades called and I must tell you, whatever this was, it was absolutely delicious! "So are you coming to the gods gathering next week Hades?" Poseidon asked me to slip in that question, don't know why, because he never comes anyway.
"I do not have time for meaningless chatter and bantering when I have much to do." He growls. "And here I thaught Pandeia would've kissed all the grumpiness out of you Hades." I joked and then lightning stiked in the background making me jump in surprise. Pandeia stood up in her seat and looked at me as if I was as good as dead. "There is nothing wrong with Hades! I like him just the way he is! Why do everyone always feel the need to change him?!" Pandeia burts out and a power radiated around her that made me want kneel in front of her, her violet eyes were electrifying and I mean you could literally see lightning dancing around in her eyes. Ez seemed unaffected by her sisters outburst. Is this what Selene was talking about when she mentioned Pandeia's moods?
Hades took her hand in his and kissed it tenderly that I had to look away at the raw emotion between them. "My lovely wife, how amazing are you to held me in such high regards." Isn't he suppose to say calm down or something? Don't fuel her on! To my amazement everything calms down and Pandeia was all smiles again. "You know I would husband, someone needs to put them in their place. It's our domain, not theirs, they should show respect." Her voice got a little louder and much more powerful. I didn't want to admit, but she may even be scarier than Hera. Hades smiled back at her."And that is why I have such an amazing and fierce queen by my side." They seemed to stare at each other for a long time and then...
"So Triton, how long have you been dating my sister?" She did I total 180 in her mood, leaving me flabbergasted. I was sure I was about to be imprisoned or something! Hades and Ez seems to find it normal and they just continue to eat.
I don't think I spoke alot from that point on.

Dinner was over and it feels like I'm walking on eggshells around Pandeia when she even looks at me. Ez is nothing like her at all, it's uncanny. "Triton why do you look so worried?" Ez wraps her hands arounds my torso. "Honestly? Your sister scares me." She giggles. "Yeah I forgot how some people find her a little intimidating. She's harmless to me, she'll never hurt me. You maybe."
"Is that suppose to make me feel better?" I chuckle. "No not really." I swing her so that she is now in front of me and I kiss her. "You're amazing you know that right." She replied by connecting her lips with mine. Things were just about to get heated when I knock on the door made us jump apart. "Come in." It was Pandeia at the door in a white night dress. "Hey sis." Her smile was so soft and tender when she hugged Ersa. "I was wondering if Triton would like to join a walk with me through the garden?" Pandeia's eyes bore into mine and I gulped.
"Sure he would love to!" Ersa just told me Pandeia would hurt me yet she's letting me go on a walk with her.
Pandeia smiled, "Great! See you later sis!" She grabs me and in an instant we were in a garden.

The plants here looks very odd and beautiful. "Beautiful garden isn't it?" We slowly walk through the garden. I try to keep my distance.
"Yes it is." She smiles, I see a bright flower and I wanted to walk closer. "It's made out of all the carnivorous plants in this world and the human world." She says and I immediately shook away and made sure I was in the middle of the path.
I was convinced now. Pandeia wants to kill me. "Triton, why are you with my sister?" I need to calm down! "I... I love your sister." She gives a sideway glance, but says nothing. We continue the stroll through the garden and I keep a close eye on any plant that might even move.
Pandeia said nothing further which didn't make me feel at ease at all.
I finally see the gate to the exit and I mentally did a horaay! "Triton, I like you, take care of my sister will you?"
"I will." She smiles. "That's good to hear, have a lovely night." and she dissappears. Leaving me in the middle of who knows where. I don't even see the castle from here. Just how the hell do I get back?
"So Pandeia left you here?" Hades appears from the shadows. "Uh it seems like it yes." He sighs. "That woman, come on. I'll take you back to your room."
Faster than I could blink, I was in front of the room I was staying in. "Thank you Hades."
"Oh don't thank me, you still have a few days here and I have a bet against Thanatos about how many times you'll piss off Pandeia. Good luck." He slaps my back and then he as well was gone in the shadows of the night.


I find my wife brushing her hair, humming some kind of song. "Why did you leave Triton alone at the garden?" Her eyes meet mine through the mirror. "I didn't, you were there." She smirks leaving me astounded. "How did you know?" I walk over to her and start braiding her hair. It has become a ritual for us. I come to her room to braid her hair while we talk about the day and then I leave for the night. Her hair is always so soft and I quite like to touch it, but I wouldn't admit it to her. "Because I know you Hades."
When I finished, I kissed her lips. "Sleep well my wife. Go easy on Triton, you'll scare the guy away." She giggles. "Scaring them away is your job Husband." I smiled at her comment and I left to my empty, dark, room.

During the week that Triton and Ersa stayed here, Triton angered Pandeia alot and I was enjoying every bit of seeing the poor guy look like a deer caught in headlights. Ersa was of no use to him either since she only fueled his worries that Pandeia might just kill him. I don't think he sleeps at all.
So when the day came that they said goodbye was the most relaxed I've seen him all week. "Take good care Triton." She hugs hin and he stiffens just a little. "You as well Pandeia, thank you for having us." Thanatos takes them away. "Soooo, you made a bet." My lovely wife says from the hook of my view. "Welll I have much to do, see you tonight." and dissappear before I face her wrath.

Pandeia chuckles at her husband's dissapearing figure.


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