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River sat in Elio's car waiting for Elio who was leaning against the car on his phone trying to call Mabel for the 6th time in an hour. "They said tomorrow" River said and Elio shook his head and continued trying every 10 minutes. "Do you think she's ignoring me or just doesn't have her phone?" Elio asked while getting into the car and River shrugged. "You did kinda yell at her last night" River said and Elio rolled his eyes. "She needed it" "well, you've only known her for 2 days, it seemed more anger based and you did sound like you were siding with baylee" River said trying to not make Elio angry. "Hey" a voice said as the back door opened and Genesis was climbing into the car. "Mabels at the rehab center and she sent me the address" Genesis said and Elio now knew Mabel was ignoring him.

"Its about 2 hours away though" "let's go" Elio said and Genesis gave River the address. "This was Mabel's favorite song" Genesis said while visions of gideon played from Rivers phone. "Can you stop at Walmart?" Genesis asked Elio "why?" "I wanna get some stuff for mabey, she's gonna be there for three months, she's gonna need some stuff" Genesis said and Elio nodded and pulled into the Walmart and parked the car. Genesis pushed the cart grabbing a gift bag and then walking down the food isle. "Ramen, chow mein, oreos, poptarts, hot fries" Genesis named while putting them in the cart and Elio was walking down the book and movie isle. He walked down grabbing both the book and movie of call me by your name and grabbed a pair of animal slippers and a flannel.

"I got her cards against humanity because she likes picking random cards and seeing what they make" River said and put them in the cart. "Where's Elio?" Genesis asked and Elio was walking down the isle looking around before he saw them and nodded. "I'll pay for everything don't worry" Elio said and dropped the stuff in the cart. He held a card in his hands though and continued to hold it even after check out and when Genesis was putting the stuff in bags. "Is this it?" Elio asked and Genesis nodded. "This is where they sent her last time" River said while getting out of the car and taking a bag from Genesis. "She said they treated her good here" Genesis said and handed Elio another bag and closed the door behind her.

"You have visitors but you haven't set up a visitors list so can we just send them in?" A nurse asked Mabel who was putting her hair up and already wearing the pajamas the center gave her. "Yeah" Mabel said and the nurse closing the door behind her. "You can go in" Mabel heard from behind the door and the door opened again and she saw Genesis first, then River, then Elio. They all carried a bag in their hand "you changed your hair" Elio said immediately and Mabel's hair was now black but two streaks in the front of her head were orange still. "Yeah" Mabel said blandly and Genesis smiled. "We got you stuff for your stay" Genesis said and put her bag on the bed "I got you snacks, Elio got you slippers and movies, and River got you cards against humanity, but Elio paid for it all" "thanks" Mabel said uninterested.

"They made me take out my nose rings so I'm probably gonna have to get those pierced again once I'm out" she said mostly to Genesis and River sat on a chair in the corner of her room. "Three months is a long time" Elio said and Mabel looked at him and nodded. "But im just a drug addict after all...I deserve it, isn't that what you said?" Mabel asked sarcastically and Elio sighed looking down at his feet and placing the bag beside her bed and going to sit next to River. "I love you, you know that right?" Genesis asked Mabel and touched the side of her face and Mabel leaned back away from her hand "yeah I know" Mabel said with her voice shaking and looking down at her lap. "You're gonna be okay, I know it, you're gonna be great, I want you to be the very best version of yourself" Genesis said and Mabel laughed.

"What if this is the best version?" Mabel asked and Genesis shrugged "then the versions pretty cool too" she said and Mabel nodded. "I love you too" she said and Genesis smiled and patted Mabel's head. "It's gonna be okay, everything's gonna be okay, you'll get out around Thanksgiving and we can have a friendsgiving thing, get everyone together celebrate you being sober" "what if I'm not sober?" Mabel asked and the mood in the room became even more sad. "What if I get out and start using again? what if I'm never sober? What if I'm not able to be sober? Am i that fucking weak minded that facing the real world for one day not high will fucking destroy me? I'm not gonna be sober" Mabel said and her eyes fell on Elio.

"I'm always gonna be a drug addict" she finished and Elio looked back at Mabel holding direct eye contact with her. "You guys should go, its a two hour drive back and I'm tired" Mabel said and broke eye contact with Elio and it was obvious she was shutting down and didn't want to think about the topic anymore. Usually when she felt like this she'd get high and forget all about it but now she wasn't able to, all she was able to do was sleep...or find a new addict. "Bye, mabey" Genesis said and hugged her before sitting up. "Remember, everything's gonna be're gonna be okay" Genesis said and Elio was the last one in the room. He looked at Mabel and she was looking down at her thumbs and he closed the door again and Mabel looked up thinking everyone was gone but Elio stood at the door.

"What?" Mabel asked and Elio walked towards her bed and dropped a card on the table beside it and reached forward and patted Mabel's shoulder. "I meant it, i think you're a little girl who's scared of feeling things, but I'll be there for you, when you wanna feel things, I'll be here, you won't have to run and hide from them anymore" "who said I wanted your fucking help, you're not my fucking dad and stop referring to me as if I'm so inferior to you god" Mabel said and Elio nodded. "You're doing it again, rejecting your feelings, but that's okay, anger might be the only thing you feel anymore, anger at daddy for not caring enough, angry at your mom for leaving, angry that Baylee doesn't know how to show that she cares, maybe in here you'll find your emotions again".

Elio walked back towards the door and closed it once he left and Mabel looked at the card he left. She picked it up and threw it into the trashcan beside her bed and rolled her eyes and pulled one of the bags Genesis left and started pulling things out of it. She kept looking between the things in the bag and back down at the trashcan. "Fuck" Mabel groaned and leaned back down picking the card back up and putting it on the desk. "This doesn't mean I care about elio and what he has to say" she said as if she had anyone else to prove it to but she was alone. Mabel pulled out the call me by your name DVD and smiled while getting up to slide it into the tv. She remembered how her copy of call me by your name had been used to snort cocaine off of once and now she has a new one.

"Baylee, we could go visit her" Arianna suggested to a crying Baylee who was laying on her side crying into a pillow. "But she doesn't wanna see me, she fucking hates me I know it, I never meant to ruin everything I just...wanted to help and being mean was the only to get through to her and it only made her hate me" Baylee started crying harder into the pillow and Karina sighed. "I'll call her okay, we can visit her tomorrow and we'll fix everything" Karina suggested and Baylee lifted her head "promise?" "I promise" she said and Arianna clapped. "We can bring Mabel things from her room that she wasn't able to take when she was packing" she said and Karina smiled. "Your excitement is almost envious" "thank you?" Arianna replied and Baylee reached for her phone. "Tomorrow we'll go visit Mabel".


stinky poopoo mabel drug addict


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